Silver Witch

Guys 21 days to go I think its time we all said goodbye. Its been a long road since WW, too long really. I hope Inno find some way to speed up the end game once a world is won.

You really were the greatest team and the way you have stayed to defend our ww for 9 months is amazing.

A last poem I think.

Farewell Helike

My friends, with Helike in countdown,
the time has come to part,
So just some highlights of our stay,
in this world from the start.
Most of you had landed,
in ocean 54,
Then Dood and i were late to join,
to complete our team once more.

And once we were together,
Our progress Oh so slow,
Eternals said we would all sink,
But they were not to know.
First we took on everyone,
One by one they fell,
The blacks, immortals, spartans
We sent them all to hell.

Some were quite a challenge,
The bp how it rained,
Others crumbled easily
Until only a few remained.
The wolves said they burnt witches,
And how their troops did prance
But we wiped them out so quickly,
They never had the chance.

We chose to site our wonders
In northern 55
Our prep was so determined
Not one red did survive.
We built so fast, a record,
Speed never seen before
11 days from start to end
And we were crowned once more.

Its time to play another world
Time Eligos rose again,
We will look out for something good
A challenge for our men.
