Passed Farming Villages in 2.0

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Once a player has conquered all 8 Farming Villages on an island, they should have the ability to demand/loot/recruit from all of them with one button.

I am concerned that the method for farming in Grepolis 2.0 will, like Grepolis 1.26 eventually become to time consuming and annoying. From everything I've read and seen a big part of the reason that they setup the farming the way they did was to reward the more active players. This still allows the active players to get the advantage. You still have to be there and clicking something every 5 or 10 minutes, you just won't have to click 40 somethings.

Have a second button beneath every demand/loot/recruit button that says 'Demand All' or 'Loot All'. This button will be greyed out or invisible unless you have already conquered all 8 farming villages on each island. This allows the player to either loot from farming villages individually or all at once.

Visual Aids:
Demand All Button -

Demand All Tab variation-


As I see it, this would really only affect the amount of time players would have to spend to gather resources from the farming villages. It would also be a nice perk for conquering all 8 farming villages on the island.

Abuse Prevention:
Ensure it's coded properly so that it doesn't allow the any of the following.
1. Loot from 7 villages individually, then from the 8th with the loot all button and getting loot from 15 villages.
2. Ensure the lockout timer is enforced on all villages. Basically, if any of the 8 villages still has a timer, when you click the demand all button it errors out because you can't demand resources yet.
3. If you lose a village because it revolts against you, you can no longer click the demand all button.

Add a second button beneath the Demand/Loot buttons on farming villages that is either grayed out or invisible unless you have conquered all 8 villages on that island. This button would allow you to Demand/Loot from all 8 villages at once.

Variations suggested:
1. A button to collect resources from all farming villages on all islands that have all 8 farming villages conquered.
2. Make this a Premium Feature under either Administrator or Merchant.
3. Create a new 'Demand All' tab that you can use.
4. Only allow the ability to Demand All for 1 of the times. (Preferred seems to be 90 minutes)
5. Only allow the ability to Demand All for 20/40 minutes and higher.
6. Instead of requiring all 8 farming villages to be conquered, make this part of the Diplomacy or Booty research.
7. Limit this only to the 'Demand All' feature. Do not allow 'Loot All' or 'Recruit All' features.
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I like the idea. Presumably you would be able to demand/loot all for all the time periods?


I like the idea. Presumably you would be able to demand/loot all for all the time periods?

Correct, the way I envision it, there would be a second button under each of the 4 times for a demand/loot all of that time.


I like the idea even though I don't have all eight villages yet.


Sounds like an excellent idea to me, as it not only saves time once you accumulate more polis', but also gives the extra benefit to conquering all 8 villages.


I haz an idea: This might be a good idea or not, but I suggest that you can change it in settings so that the farm all button under any FV of a set of 8 that you have conquered will cause all the islands on which you have 8 FVs to be farmed at once, meaning that even if you have many cities it will only take 1 click+ the non-8 FV cities.


I'd thought about something like that, but there is the issue that some people will eventually have multiple cities on the same island. In a case like that, the only logical way for the game to determine which city gets the resources would be the active city.


Maybe you could adjust a setting that specified a certain number of the villages per city? And the default could just split them equally/


Great idea. I can easily see how when owning multiple cities the farming system will also get tedious when you try to farm from 6+ cities every 5 or 10 minutes. You'd eventually be demanding every 10 minutes and then when you get back to your first city it's time to go again!

Implementing this would solve that problem and reward players who have conquered all the villages on their island.


This will make it an incentive to get the 8th village too.
Because as of right now 8th village is just not worth it.

Love the idea.


I like that part " buttons on farming villages that is either grayed out or invisible unless you have conquered all 8 villages on that island "
It means that you wont be able to use the button from the very start of the server, less active players and those who dont know how to play wont have access to it ( at least for a while longer than the others) and the farming will become less boring at later stages of the server/s.

Actually i dont care how, but there should be a mass farming button in 2.0.


I'd like to add another point in favor of this. From everything I've read and seen a big part of the reason that they setup the farming the way they did was to reward the more active players. This still allows the active players to get the advantage. You still have to be there and clicking something every 5 or 10 minutes, you just won't have to click 40 somethings. I'm now up to 5 cities and over 35 farms on Rho. It takes me 2 minutes to go through and collect from all of them. It's such a PITA.

Reward me for being active, not for getting carpal tunnel syndrome.


If you like clicking , just click like mad, but some ppl just don't like doing one and the same thing all day long.
Its boring and if you think a little bit in perspective , you'll understant thats unnecessarily thing to do when you could spend that game time in attacking someone.
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