Passed Farming

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This automated no interaction involved is called a bot, and certain players already use these and get banned for them. You already get resources from mines with no interaction what more do you want?

As to the idea: abuse/prevention: This would allow cheating players to have simpler bots to allow abuse of "one button clicks".When you have many cities just demand for 8hrs and go farm other players if you need more, and cant get enough between intercity trades.

That maybe the case, but I would like you to consider what I have to say here on the subject and see where I am coming from. Technically speaking the second 'paragraph' isn't true as my suggestion would actually defeat the point of players using buggy scripts or programs to illegally bot their accounts, and believe me trying to play an account with 50+ cities, or even 100+ cities even with the new 2.0 farming system gets tedious after a while. Supposing I were to just do 8 hour farms (not optimal as opposed to 5 minute ones), then for a 100+ city account; that is at least 300 clicks per 8 hours (once for selecting a city, the next for selecting time frame, and then one more for collecting the resources). If I came back 8 hours later, that's at least 600 clicks in a day just for farming.

Assuming I did this, and didn't include lootings, demanding of units for individual islands, and/or trading, at 600 clicks a day JUST for farming resources from villages; that is approximately 219,000 clicks in a year. Multiply that number by 5, as that is the number of seconds it would take on average to demand those resources per city (small amounts of server lagg included), then divide by 60 twice and you get a number of just over 300 hours spent per year wasting your time to just get resources... on a browser game, mind you. That is nearly 2 whole weeks worth of time, not including growth of that 100 city account (so factor in a larger amount of time by the time that year passes), and everything else required to play this game; such as timing support/attacks, building wonders, farming other players, etc... that adds up to a understatedly huge amount of time in the end.

Quite a lot of good players I have known who have left the game did complain about the lack of auto-management features as your account gets larger, every single detail is micro-managed to a level of tedium that is staggering for such a simple online game; that is even WITH administrator and captain at present. In order to compete with the best, you have to subject yourself to a ridiculous level of activity and clicking buttons like a chimp in order to reap the rewards, this also includes trading between your own cities which gets considerably harder and more time consuming the larger and more spread out your account gets; the server goes from being fun to a full time job. Try 5 minute farming efficiently with the current updates on a 1-2 million point account, probably by the time you have finished clicking 5 minutes on the last city; the first one you clicked is done and ready to be farmed again, causing an infinite regress and likely human death from exhaustion when repeated enough times. In fact if these relations could be plotted on a graph, with growth level thresholds on the X-axis and time spent on the Y-axis; the graph would very likely look like a curved line graph, going sharply upwards the higher the growth you achieved. Now isn't that something? Eventually the slope of said line will become so insane at higher levels of growth that the chance of suicide would statistically go up.

Having said all of that, and my morbid sense of humor aside; as I think it is necessary for players to understand just how much this game can potentially be a time vampire; I hope this idea does at the very least get passed and implemented to salvage part of this problem. Perhaps then the curved line will not be as extreme anymore, and playing sizably larger accounts can become fun again, and less of an exercise in who has less of a life and can destroy their mouse faster. Welcome to Spartan Craft, where players who can mash keys the fastest become world champions.
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Welcome to Spartan Craft, where players who can mash keys the hardest become world champions.

As much as that was intended as a joke, it is actually part of the game.

Those who have the time to spend on the game will get ahead.. those who don't, won't. If more features are added to make it easier for players to play with the bare minimum of time and effort, it will remove the divide between the players who put the time in to play a lot and the players who play very little. I don't know about other people, but that kinda ruins it a bit for me. I think of myself as in the middle - I don't spend my every waking moment playing, but thanks to insomnia and working from home I do spend a lot of time in-game. If features were added which meant that someone playing for 30-60minutes a day could be at the same level as me, I would be inclined to stop playing, and find a game where the time I invest actually means something.

Obviously it is important to add features which improve the quality of gameplay, but I don't think it is a good idea to take them to the extreme, and allow players to have auto-management features active.


I understand all of that, but I will politely concede the point. I think there are better features that could be implemented to counter this issue, maybe related to trading between cities for example, but I will start another thread with this point.


this idea has passed and will be sent to go to the devs :)

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