Funny mails


i want what this guy has been smoking lol. Love when farms actually talk. Not the best but first laugh i got in along time.

alfhood today at 22:50
even when i tell maboo i will build and try to join you he attacks.even when he gives me the choice of informing him how many seconds behind my troops are and he will not attack he attacks.he mocks the little man.he bring dishonour and distrust to your alliance.and i would not be part of anything he is in because i believe loyalty and trust is the only way.shame havoc does not exist because you should send back he has blackened the name of tiny teddies and i will give up my city rather than join dishonestly.
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Great stuff Occult. "What would you call an albino polar Bear?" Priceless. :p


From Alpha Centuri's Mail Room.

So, one of our members CS'd one of THE DEATH CRUSADERS members.

Another THE DEATH CRUSADERS member on the same island as said target woke up to find his buddy not there anymore.
He then decided to send off a little Q&A maill to the cities new occupant.

Here is the exchange, cleansed a bit for the younger audience :)

MAKING NEW FRIENDS, an Alpha Centuri/THE DEATH CRUSADER's love story..........

dancsoka today at 15:52

who the f**k are u? where is cenobites? f**ker!!!!

AllanCDawson today at 16:02

Hi Farm,

Don't mind if I call you farm do you?? I have taken Cenobites city and now I intend on farming you! Have a lovely day farm.

Hugs and Kisses


P.S you could just send me all your resource save me the trouble of taking them.


Occult, you ain't right in the head :)

But I love it...........


So I launch an attack at this guy's city, within 5 minutes I get this:


For the record, my attack hit nothing but militia and 12 hours later he lost his city to me.

Foolish bravado is apparently better than actually defending yourself with troops...
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sale123 today at 17:34
MY be is better that we all give your cities now and stop playing, becose you are taking our 7 city. Is better that we all stop playing so you cold not take another citie so then you will need to bild it. Is stupid to play days this game becose you will take it. I wonder whot happend when you take all players cities, whot then,



he left me a funny message to when i toke one of his citys 1 sec let em find it


sale said this to me when a member of mine took one of there citys

"I thinck you do not understand there is no war, only your agresive friends taking my friend citys. If one more time happend that you or your friends take one of our cities I will be in no other option but to join to biger alliance like Grimm Sleepers or lunaTICKS and they allready offer to take care for our enemys and then will be no mercy, mark may words."

then just recently told me this

"We fight against some players of gremm sleepers for one day, he is attaking even with bireme :)), if you like to oranize attacks on him he is NOLOGY and his city form wich he attack with bireme is DESTINY. Iven so I sugest first to attack with LIGHT SHIPS only :))"

i'm not exactly sure what he was trying to say but i believe hes trying to organize an attack against your alliance using every alliance in 65
not the brightest crayon in the box and hes really hard to understand XD


lawls that is funny yea they are worries because they are about to lose their biggest player lol


there biggest player is dumb he sent all his units trying to take a city with no light ships so i sent some support to that city took out 1 cs 20 cats and like 500 plus other units :D defense and offence


:D he got me some good bp now gives you a city seems like a very nice player


Thought I might just share this...


Petrika is basically gone, one city left, nothing to worry about. Waste of a slot to get his last city anyway. As for the other, he'll be next. But seriously, I wonder what goes on in the other alliances...oh wait...I know half the time anyway thanks to "loyal" members. ;)