Inactive Topic Game Variant - The Art of War


Good thoughts P, I agree with the majority if what you say and feel that it would be at minimum worthy of a variant of my variant.

However, there are a few things that I am not a fan of, so I will respomnd to each of your points

Cut down the size of the teams. 100 members per team is enough and will allow the speed to be ramped up. 600 players on a server will allow for close to 10 speed..

I don't mind at all cutting down on the size of the server, the original goal was to have it divisible by 6, so any number works that is, however, my goal also was to not have it be too 'fast' relying more on player online time, rather it was to allow for skilled players to vet themselves against a smaller server with an end-game, so I would still keep a speed 2. When I think about it, the server should last 3-6 months imo. So finetuning to accomplish that is one objective of this variant.

Make it a premium entry server with free administrator. With the admission price close to what players would normally spend on an administrator. This will reduce the number of players that aren't serious about playing..

Also a good idea, if the starting location is totally random, as I can see it being a hinderance to the success of the server if you can choose starting direction and players that don;t use premium affect the likelyhood of players that do joining the seerver. (My friend can;t join becuase he doesn;t use premium, so I won;t join either' - A work around this would be to allow players to 'invite' other players by paying thier 'fee' for them.

Placement should be random to give everyone an equal chance. The colour of the team a player lands on will determine which alliance they are in. They either work together or lose..

This was one of the things that was up for debate in my original post, if you only had 600 pop server, this makes sense, if the server is larger, then the 'color = team, not alliance' mentality is more fitting.

To deal with players quitting or going inactive, the mods could maintain a waiting list of players to be allocated inactive places. Once again this will be 'luck of the draw' since only the mods will know who is at the top of their list..

A waiting list is a good idea, having the mods control it is not, power corrupts, and mods are certainly not immune to this. An auto generator or random selector for players that have 'put in their name' should be considered, or, in your case of the samll 100 player server, perhaps we don't allow any player replacements, and it's also a battle of attrition, gifted accounts are allowed though?

Each team starts on a row of 5 islands on the perimeter of the core. Behind them is rows of 4, 3, 2 and 1 islands reserved for those that have been rimmed. The 10 island 'rim' gives each team 200 restart points. If all of those have been used, any rimmed player will not be able to restart. The core will contain islands with anchor points ready to be colonised..

I like this.

These five starting islands will be the team's home base. If any one alliance was to capture all 5 islands, that team will be eliminated and their cities ghosted..

I like this.

Any team that holds every spot on 16 of the starting island for a predetermined amount of time will be declared the winner and the game ends.

There would be only 15 starting islands per color I think? The end game here you have changed from control the core to control your neighbors starting points. I am not a fan of this part, although it could be a variant. I still like the idea that all colors are trying to converge in the middle to battle it out, it puts all of the action in closer proximity and avoids abuse or placement to the weakest color being as much of an advantage as it would be if you could just sail next door and conquer your closest colored enemy and the other player colors might not even notice it or be able to get there in time to do anything about it. So other than this last one, I love the thoughts, hopefully the devs really look into this.

It sounds fun and profitable to me.


please don't make it premuim only that would make me very very sad because just another thing that requires the thing that always makes all the descions these


i do like the sound of this, what;s happening with it...?
Passed on to devs yet?