Pnp Gela's Finest!


I have to say I HATE when people say that it was 1 person against a whole alliance......when its not the case. Firstly if you ever get a city on any of our wonder islands then you will know what it will be like to receive attacks from the whole alliance. Secondly.....well there is no secondly.
I have always said its easier to defend than to atttack. so 1 person up against 5, 10, 20 other people can be an easy task if you have half an idea.

Hooligan - they may not have been inactive but probably like most of the conquers on Gela it was done when they were offline. But hey that's playing strategically, and well that's what this game is all about. Taking cities and finding vulnerabilities.
I you take a city do it honorably, if you lose a city do it gracefully. I am not a great player by far but I like to think I know how to beat the system. I have taken some cities with minimal support in the RED zone, only because I was smart and managed to land one of my cs's before any of the enemies trips landed, mind you it may have been about the 4th or 5th time I launched and recalled but the one thing I didn't do was go on bragging about it or calling out the other guy as useless. Fact is I did it when they were offline. There wont be many times when you will send a 6+ hour CS at someone knowing full well they are on and have it stick.

Muha.....I would like to ask if you didn't have to take a wizz that night, would we you still be here telling this story or would you be 3-5 cities down getting ready to hit either way you did well and congratulations.

How about we all ease up on the name calling and whatever, cause that just brings the game down.

To all you Vengeance and other alliances at war with Krypteia, may you fight well and die

Shasta, you are a nasty man and would take a city off your mother just could you could......

We have all done some stupid things in this game just on the off chance that it pays off. Sending a decoy CS even when you think they are offline is still a good tactic, as you never know for sure that they are offline unless your looking in their window......they could just get up to take a wizz and screw all your plans.


Or have a cellphone app that warns them when an attack is launched against them ......


not too bad : What is this flash app thingy that warns you your getting attacked? is it some new interweb magic ?


Its an I phone App, every time an attack is launched at you it makes an warning sound... takes away the element of surprise... as Ausie mentioned, the game used to be about trying to out maneuver the opponent, cos it is easier defending than attacking, especially if you are good at sniping so Attackers have to plan and work out best times to hit etc.... now, all that has gone and the advantage is solely on the defender side, especially with anti timing added into the bag ...

Seems the game is starting to favor the simmers hiding behind walls and Apps...

PS. I do not have an I phone or an App to help me... I am all about Old School, That way, taking a city from an active feels good..... Spook, knowing your style, I am sure you agree with me...


hmmm surley that has to against the rules of the game,as it gives a unfair advantage.If is isnt it bloody well should be


You know, at the end of the road, Regardless of who is winning and who is losing, at least , we have some honor and respect for ourselves .

We didn't turn our backs to our friends like the rest of confrontation members .... We stood tall and fought krypt defending our recent friends .

And we didn't hear krypt leaders badmouthing us.. and we stayed there playing with them ... just because I'm too afraid to lose 2 or 3 right 13th ?? and worst of all... you came here defending them ...

again 13th, truth hurts... but what hurts the most .. is when we lose the respect for ourselves, and get along with being insulted from the leaders ..
it's a game overall ... but this player resembles you.. resembles your personality ... so whatever you look like in a game.. ur the same person in real life ..

Anyways, thank you for the recent conf. members who turned their backs.. thanks for the players with no honor and respect for themselves ... NO matter what krypt .. you will still find this few honorable people fighting you .. we will never give up the fight easily ..


Breaking news!

Muha is now on VM. After the "epic struggle with Gela's finest".
And suuure it was planned. Wasn't it?


he hit the vm before he writes this...

and sure if you dont have a life then other people do .. when you attack someone 24/7 expect him to go in a vm for a breather.. life is too precious to be wasted on this game.


he hit the vm before he writes this...

and sure if you dont have a life then other people do .. when you attack someone 24/7 expect him to go in a vm for a breather.. life is too precious to be wasted on this game.


Cant a guy have a decent weekend? lol


he hit the vm before he writes this...

and sure if you dont have a life then other people do .. when you attack someone 24/7 expect him to go in a vm for a breather.. life is too precious to be wasted on this game.
Sure, until one of us goes in VM, aye?


Cant a guy have a decent weekend? lol
Nope. :p


you are using an advantage in the game.....

... sounds like a lot of whining if you ask me...

Or have a cellphone app that warns them when an attack is launched against them ......

the Whining ... always the whining

Its an I phone App, every time an attack is launched at you it makes an warning sound... takes away the element of surprise... as Ausie mentioned, the game used to be about trying to out maneuver the opponent, cos it is easier defending than attacking, especially if you are good at sniping so Attackers have to plan and work out best times to hit etc.... now, all that has gone and the advantage is solely on the defender side, especially with anti timing added into the bag ...

Seems the game is starting to favor the simmers hiding behind walls and Apps...

PS. I do not have an I phone or an App to help me... I am all about Old School, That way, taking a city from an active feels good.....

Did I mention the constant Whining ?????

Look at who's doing all the whining here? Oh wait.....I'm supposed to.....type like this......with a lot of the middle......of my sentence........because it looks.....dramatic......period....periodperiod.......

Thanks for another entertaining CS fail, Theo. What is that, 10 in a row now? I'm counting the days until Krypt gets rid of him for not making the cut, unless the standards are really being lowered that far. Seems like his alliance does 99% of the work for him on everything he touches. I wonder if he actually helps you guys with your conquests? Is he a giver, or just a taker? Either way, it's major comedy here. Thanks. :)

Someone should tell him: Ask not what your alliance can do for you, but what you can do for your alliance!
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Look at who's doing all the whining here? Oh wait.....I'm supposed to.....type like this......with a lot of the middle......of my sentence........because it looks.....dramatic......period....periodperiod.......

Talking of Periods, how is yours ?


Talking of Periods, how is yours ?
They are in their proper place, alone, at the end of my sentences(that don't randomly capitalize words), and without a pointless space in front of them.

But thanks For your Effort to try to be Clever with such an Immature come back. ... ....period..... space.. _ ?

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Oh god...
Now you are doing it. My beautiful grammar. It's being butchered.