I'd like to see anyone try. And all are welcome
Please Pay no Attention to him. Ignore everything he says he doesn't play on this world, just likes to troll on forum and Discord.
But anyways i think the Problem with what you were saying about teams not working together.
i am Reminded by what a Good player here in the game that understands a lot about Grepo
@NutsNBoltz said in one Thread on Kalendris 122 that was right at the point of the problem in this game.
You have a lot of Leaders and Players in this World/Game who can't seem to put their own Ego Aside and do what is best for their own Teams. For Example if a Strategy isn't working or is Flawed you change it! you dont continue playing the same way or continuing to convince yourselves that its working when its not.
i Remember when i first joined this world talking with LoliSlayer and he will confirm this i Said it right away i dont think anyone will touch Just For Laughs in this game that there will be no Coalition against them or anything but that other Alliances will continue attacking eachother and will give Just For Laughs that much room to grow that no one will be able to stop them later in the end. he said the contrary that every alliance will be attacking JFL
and so Today JFL has taken out Relentless,Edge,are currently attacking TheOccult.
From the Start of this World i have been trying to get everyone on Board Yesterday when i Suggested this to and get this South East Syndicate a Alliance that played and lost on Sidon from Just For Laughs and a lot others i simple hit Rock Bottom i remembered what the Great
@NutsNBoltz said of his Words and from now on Believe me i will no longer ever in this game waste words on Intellectually Handicapped People trying to convince them to do something for their own good Like Working together to stop a Alliance that's considered strong for 2 Alliances let alone one!
It just doesn't work on any World! it was the same on Neapolis 124 where i played tbh i have nothing but bad words to say about
@XxCharlie199xX and his team but Honestly this player could be the Greatest Leader in all of Grepolis! Winning every Single World like its nothing.
Congratulations to JFL i think Bassae 130 will be another world won by you! i am 99% sure of that right now.