Great Player's Profile!


There are many profiles that I find quite interesting

Here are two Profiles which I really like.

This one is from Starfish Bear.

Starfish Bear.jpg

and this is from Pool Guy. Love the phase "Are you bacteria?" lol

Pool Guy.jpg

If you see any other interesting player's profiles from this world, post it here!

Special mention to Occults40 Previous profile (rage against the Teddies). Your current is so so. I think that rage bring the best out of you mate.


No offense to pool guy but im just not liking his, starfish bear on the other hand props for the awesome name and not too shabby.


I still have the profile saved if you wanted me to post it, hahaha, I thought it was funny.


A sad, sad, little story.
(By occult40)​

There once were a group of teddie bears. 4 of them to be exact. Then one day, a teddy bear decided to attack big mean old occult40. His cuddly little attack failed, to which occult40 attacked back. Neither attacks were successful, but it sparked a vendetta. Which is where this story goes from cute, to terrifying.

See, occult40 loved to go to war no matter what the odds, because it's what he's good at. So he began to attack one of the other bigger little teddy bears and really took the stuffing out of him. Soon after, the leader of the teddy bears, sent a very insulting letter about his terms to a NAP. And since occult40 was already insulted, and had tasted blood, he decided to tear the stuffing out of the rest of these poor little fellas. So from cuddly city to cuddly city he went, spilling stuffing and making a downright mess wherever he went.

The cuddly bears tried to fight back, they really did, but to no avail, because once occult40 tasted that blood, there was absolutely nothing, that would stop him from achieving his goal.....​

Which was burning each of these bears towns to the ground.

And one, by one, by one, by one...they will all fall.

(Or if you can't beat em, join em ;) )​