Help me with alliances!


door prizes... 2-for-1 sales... and bikini car washes all help


love blind date raffles!

If he throws in a half decent buffet at the event... he'll have more alliance members than he knows what to do with.


How can i get more members into my alliance. Any tips.

Nathan, to answer your question directly, there are many different ways to go about recruiting people into an alliance. You can be an MRA - Mass Recruiting Alliance, and invite anyone and everyone in the hopes that one out of ten will benefit you in the long run. It can work for people, but with an alliance cap of 50, this isn't highly suggested.

I would suggest looking for people near you, on your islands, that are perhaps allianceless, or close to the same size as your members already. No one likes it when you steal a player from their alliance, so if you wish to play with integrity, I wouldn't suggest asking players to leave their current alliance for you. :)

I hope that helps a bit.