Hephaestos' Forge


Dear community,

The relentless pounding from the formidable forge is unmistakable. The blacksmith Hephaestos arrives and will fashion great artifacts at your behest.

On the arrival of the dazzling god, rumors of "Divine Orbs“ have spread among your people. They have been seen when performing mundane tasks, such as building, research, fighting or recruiting troops. But, according to these rumors, never were more than 10 orbs found during the course of one day.

Bring the orbs you collect to the sacred Forge of the Gods. Hephaestos himself will craft finely-wrought metalworks for you, imbued with great powers. For example, he can create resource bonuses, attack and defense spells or troop reinforcements. If you dedicate a particularly large amount of orbs, the gods will even grant you an additional, special favor.

The event will start on June 18th and will end on June 29th 2014. An in-game timer will proclaim the end of the event.

Feel free to visit our wiki page for more information about Hephaestos' Forge, and please share your opinion on this event by using this feedback thread.

Your Grepolis Team