Heroes - Update on Progress



The development of the up and coming Grepolis feature Heroes is taking its final steps. Heroes are new units in the game that work just like regular units in many respects, but there are a few features that set them apart:

• Heroes are not recruited in a building, but obtained through the Council of Heroes.
• Heroes are not recruited by paying resources, but instead using two new currencies: Coins of War and Coins of Wisdom, which can be collected by completing Island Quests.
• Each hero has a special skill that can be found in his or her description screen. Each skill will affect the game in a particular way.
• Heroes can be leveled by investing coins to improve their general stats and skills.
• Heroes are not lost if you choose to restart on a world. (However, we have removed the option to transfer them between worlds.)
• Heroes don’t die. Following a defeat they are merely wounded and regain their strength over time.
• Heroes are not tied to the population of cities.
• Heroes can be assigned to towns, but there can be no more than one hero in one city at the same time.
• Heroes cannot be used to support other cities or players. They can be used only for your own attacks or in your own towns. They will also not stay when conquering a town.
• After an attack has ended, the hero will immediately return to his home town without travel time.

Currently, there are 11 Heroes in the game and can be tested in a final testing round on our new Beta world, which will start on Friday, January 24th 2014. We encourage you to use this last chance of providing feedback on our latest feature iteration by participating in this public beta test.

If you don’t have a beta account yet, don’t worry, you can easily create one here: http://www.beta.grepolis.com/

You can also find more information on the Heroes feature on our official wiki page.

Feel free to share your thoughts in this feedback thread.