

It's blindingly obvious to any attacking player why horses are so rare in game. Imagine you're building a fair sized horse nuke. You need:

Some horse obviously; say about 440. You need a TON of silver, a lot of wood and a bit of stone;
A few catapults to knock some wall down while you're there, say about 20 of those;
Transports to get them where they're needed, 102 in this case. You need a TON of wood and a LOT of silver.
Some lightships, maybe say 50, to fight the transports through. You need a TON of wood and a LOT of silver and a bit of stone.

See where this is going? It's a complete pain trying to build a horse nuke. The same goes for defensive cities and LS cities, you end up with a shedload of stone you can't use and you're screaming for wood and silver.

The reason why horses are so rare, and why slingers and chariots are common, is that slingers and chariots use what you've always got more of than you need; stone.

The game has a major design imbalance in resource usage. If you want to make ANY unit more popular, make it use more stone. Job done.

Spot on. Stone is everywhere, every time, every day.


hmm... do people play this game longer than a month? Stone is vital! After you have more than 30 cities BP becomes obsolete in generating city slots. Name of the game is more cities right? Anyway about the horsemen seems to me if you don't like the horsemen being stronger then you are a turtle.


Normalized horsemen are already better attackers than slingers. The adjustments should be to resource cost or build time, that is what makes slingers more popular.


I think that if horsemen were boosted they would just become really over overpowered and you would never see people attacking with myth unit's or slinger's.


Blunt cavalry (Horsemen) nuke are effective land units in the offensive clearing waves attacks. I've used them as well as guide units to my CS. However, if all those horse nukes were killed, you need a lot of woods and silver to re-train them. Re-training horsemen requires a lot of both resources and time. I suggest to lower the training cost of 1 horseman from 240 Wood / 120 Stone / 360 Silver into 60 Wood / 110 Stone / 55 Silver to be cost effective. Training time wise, reduce the training time of horseman from 1:03:55 to 00:18:00.


I really don't think that this is necessary. The reason they are built so little is simply because of the risk involved. Just a few hops and a whole horsemen nuke goes down the drain.