Discussion Hydras: Practical or Illogical?

  • Thread starter DetroitLeprechaun
  • Start date


lol duh. What about that extra marketplace level you've got there?


I didn't say build the hydras as a defensive unit. I said build them into a bireme nuke so that the city would still have some attacking capability but with more defense than building the light ships
lol, why would you want to attack from a bireme city? :D

and if you'd plan to leave 280 biremes as a def snipe and use the hydras as an attacking snipe, then you may as well just build LS, they'd at least be able to reach more blue cities for CS snipes


like i said hydras are in need of a serious overhaul to actually make them a viable use of all that favour


For me the incredibly slow speed and massive amounts of favor which I could be using on COTO make the Hyrdra not worth building imo. I could see them being ok in a conquest city that you are very close to your target, on island. Still not worth the incredibly amount of favor used imo though.