I am the smartest player ever!


Quite obviously, once my protection runs out (and taking into account how admired and feared I am on this forum), some nut is gonna send 63,000 Hoplite's (or something) on a ship, probably from 15 hours away or something, just for a laugh.

Now, because I am extraordinarily brilliant, and I realize this is going to happen, even before whoever decides to do it realises themselves, I need to make a plan.

Even though I am quite obviously the best player that anyone has ever seen (or ever will see), I thought I'd come and ask for your opinion. What can I do to ensure my safety?

Of course, I already know all the answers. I am just asking, to see if YOU know the answers. :cool:


worship athena so that you can owl incoming attacks.


Very good!

But for those that don't know:

How do you worship Athena?

..and what is this "owl" thing.


For those noobs that don't know, you worship athena by building a temple, and an owl is a spell that allows you to see what your attacker has sent at you, in terms of troop strength.

MrLeN your such a kind overload, sharing your wealth of knowledge with everyone else


Well, I aim to please!

Even though I am a furious, hardened overlord, I like to help people from time to time.

So, if the n00bs know when an attack is coming, what can they do to defend themselves?


Ah, overlord MrLeN, I see the lesson you aim to teach us n00bs!

If we see an attack coming we should ask for your help... and hope that it is one of those 'from time to time's where your furious hardened nature shall come to bear and protect us.

That being said I'd like to shout dib's on that help.

I mean seriously, you want your armour polished, your warships deck scrubbed... hey if you let me be one of your minions I'll even be your food taster... I mean you don't want to be poisoned by any of those jealous wannabe inferior fake overlords out there do you?


What else do you think we ought to know, MrLen, sir? I want to be fully prepared when your legions come knocking on my front door. You are doing your future underlings a great service here ;)


hey TafkanX, beat it... I was grovelling first, wait your turn!


Ok, now here's the best advice of all..

..when I give the order to attack another player, then you attack.

It doesn't matter if it's your ally, or someone that you think is your friend. What matters is that you trust that I know best, and that I have deeper insight than you.

Send me all your resources, and do not miss one. I will offer you my protection.


I have sent a 2nd lot of resources to you this morning MrLeN........i dearly hope that this gives me a few weeks protection form your onslaught that you will incur on Rho soon.
All my swordsman and archers have handed in sick notes because of your reputation and now i am at your mercy.


I have sent a 2nd lot of resources to you this morning MrLeN........i dearly hope that this gives me a few weeks protection form your onslaught that you will incur on Rho soon.
All my swordsman and archers have handed in sick notes because of your reputation and now i am at your mercy.

Yes, the onslaught...

..better be careful of that!

I am going to onslaught like no one has ever onslaughted before!

Send me some more resources (SW)


Sent 100 of each resource oh great MrLeN. 20 hours transit :p


I have quit Rho in fear of your onslaught, but I must tell noobs another way to protect themselves. Militia. Just click on your farm and selec militia, and they will protect your city for 3 hours, and for every level you will recieve 10 soldiers to help your city defend yourself, 15 if you research city guard.


You're about 203 hours away from me by CS so I'm not scared. Send attacks, I could do with the culture points :cool:


MrLen may I suggest something? for the noobs of course not yourself for you already know. But when under attack they should build a wall and keep upgrading it (it adds to your units strength and can even kill units by itself). I also advise to the other players that they "dodge the attack" by sending your *cough* I mean their units to a nearby city so they lose no units. Lastly I suggest using militia by going to your farm and activating them. They kill enemies and you lose nothing for it (but you gain resources slower for a few hours).


Tribal Savage, that is very good advice for my *cough*, I mean my friends, tactical defense. Well done! You pass the test!