What's up Caly?
DeletedUser Guest Nov 13, 2012 #4 Yeah, this alliance is so hot you will need more than just ice! HAHaHUEHUehaha... haha... ha.......
DeletedUser17088 Guest Nov 14, 2012 #7 SKULLY FACT #1 Skullyhoofd does not like Zombies, dislikes zombie films and games. genuine fact
DeletedUser3613 Guest Nov 14, 2012 #8 Also I hear that in the apple vs microsoft debate skully has no strong feelings either way
DeletedUser Guest Nov 14, 2012 #9 Jack hit the jackpot on that one, 'tis true. Dazz is just trying to provoke me!
DeletedUser Guest Nov 14, 2012 #10 Your sig has you pegged as an avid Apple user. PC people don't love anyone; we're basically prostitutes to the best product.
Your sig has you pegged as an avid Apple user. PC people don't love anyone; we're basically prostitutes to the best product.
DeletedUser14937 Guest Nov 14, 2012 #14 You're a noob, but you let me kill your troops before so i (L) YOU !
DeletedUser Guest Feb 9, 2013 #16 less than 3 months later top 100 points top 50 ABP top 50 BP #70 DBP
DeletedUser Guest Aug 7, 2013 #17 Shame none of you are in Calydon now! Philosoraptors are still going, albeit a much more streamlined force.
Shame none of you are in Calydon now! Philosoraptors are still going, albeit a much more streamlined force.