Milestones Idalium Milestones


Player Milestones

-Polis Count-

2 Towns:quaduplex
5 Towns:aizhan
10 Towns:N/A
25 Towns:RWHA
50 Towns:
100 Towns:
250 Towns:


1,000 Points: xzerus
2,000 Points:aizhan
5,000 Points:aizhan
10,000 Points:aizhan
25,000 Points:aizhan
50,000 Points:N/A
100k Points:N/A
250k Points: Beezojuju
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

-Attack Battle Points-

500 Points:Lord Redwolf
2k Points:Meaka
5k Points:aizhan
10k Points:aizhan
25k Points:N/A
50k Points: dorknight
125k Points: dorknight
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

-Defense Battle Points-

500 Points:Hoovy
5k Points:kiki16
10k Points:N/A
25k Points:N/A
50k Points:Euryanassa
125k Points:Euryanassa
250k Points:
500k Pointsaizhanints:

-Total Battle Points-

10k Points:aizhan
25k Points:N/A
50k Points:N/A
100k Points:dorknight
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:

-Alliance Milestones-

-Polis Count-

60 Towns:League Of Legends
250 Towns:Night Fall
500 Towns:Night Fall
1,000 Towns:
2,500 Towns:
5,000 Towns:
10,000 Towns:
25,000 Towns:
50,000 Towns:


60k Points:League Of Legends
180k Points:League Of Legends
360k Points:League Of Legends
500k Points:Night Fall
1 Million Points:Night Fall
2 Million Points:Night Fall
5 Million Points:Night Fall
10 Million Points:The 13th Legion
25 Million Points:
50 Million Points:

-Average Points-
(Must have at least 50 members)

500 Points: League Of Legends
1k Points: League Of Legends
5k Points: Night Fall
10k points:N/A
20k Points:N/A
50k Points:Apathetic
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:

-Attack Battle Points-

1k:League Of Legends
5k:Night Fall
10k:Night Fall
25k:Night Fall
50k:Night Fall
100k:Night Fall
500k:Night Fall
1 Million:Night Fall
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

-Defense Battle Points-

1k:League Of Legends
15k:League Of Legends
25k:League Of Legends
50k:League Of Legends
100k:League Of Legends
500k:Night Fall
1 Million:Night Fall
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

-Total Battle Points-

5k Points:League Of Legends
10k Points:League Of Legends
25k Points:League Of Legends
50k Points:League Of Legends
100k points:Night Fall
250k Points:Night Fall
500k Points:N/A
1 Million:N/A
2 Million:Night Fall
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:

Miscellaneous Milestones

First Little War (25 Conquests on each side):
First Big War (50 Conquests on each side):
First Major War (200 Conquests on each side):

First person to...

Conquer an active player (2,000+ pts.):
Conquer an inactive or ghost player:quaduplex

Perform a Minor Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 100+members): exe0 - The Sacred Order

Perform a Major Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 150+members):

Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member):Titans of Tartarus

Betray their alliance (When two alliances are at war, one member switches sides..): kyleli, Legends of I.G.E. - DoD

Rim a Mod (has to be active):

Worst idea 2012:superbuilder(for trying to shut down the forum)

Alliance Miscellaneous Milestones

First alliance to...

Build a World Wonder:
Build 2 World Wonders:
Build 4 World Wonders:

Conquer 50 cities from another alliance:
Conquer 100 cities from another alliance:

Take 50 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):
Take 100 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):

Achieve 1,000 colonization gains:
Achieve 5,000 colonization gains:

Top their ocean's player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min):
Top global player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min.):
Top two of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):
Top all four of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):

To have a Public Coalition formed against them (three top 12 alliances must all be over 400k pts.):

Credit for the idea goes to Njubs(Osl112) and -Achilles-​
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Alright so I decided to take over for the milestones. I got every basic milestone done. N/A ones are the milestones that I can't judge from the present rankings(some were added just because I'm almost certain those were true). For the misc milestones, I'll need someone to fill in. If not, I'll just base it on the data I can obtain from this point onwards.


Please Sticky and delete the other Milestone

Done, enjoy~Iced
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Perform a Minor Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 100+members): exe0-the sacred order

Betray their alliance (When two alliances are at war, one member switches sides..):KillRoi-Switched from Irish War Wolves to the Sacred Order then from there to Night Fall


Lol, wait. I betrayed my alliance first. Went to DoD from Legends of I.G.E. this was on 24th January 2013 - 21:08:27


Lol, wait. I betrayed my alliance first. Went to DoD from Legends of I.G.E. this was on 24th January 2013 - 21:08:27

but you only switched once lol if i remember right after switching KillRoi attacked the alliance he switched from straight away on both cases


Nope. I went and attacked a few of them later. :p (sorry guys)


KillRoi -

16th February 2013 - 01:11:30 IWW > TSO

12th March 2013 - 08:17:57 TSO > NF

I think I switched earlier and when I checked my reports I attacked earlier as well :p


yeah i was looking at his stats too and indeed you did switch earlier

*cough* Traitor *cough* :D


lol, problem? I mean no offense to my friends in Legends of I.G.E. but I left because it was falling apart, and since I was a leader there I left for DoD which seemed to have a brighter future and allowed me to relax my leadership and give it up since it got stressful. Seems like a pretty good choice.


Nope no problem i would of done the same in your shoes at the end of the day every man for himself :pro: point in a captain going down with the ship and all that. Especially when the ship is falling apart and stressing you out....then it's time to burn the ship :D


One question, how do we tell if someone has militia kills or not?


yea but it isn't possible that way cause then only people on the forums will get the milestone. I think it should just be deleted, never seen it filled on any other milestones before