what if, like a profanity filter, we make it so you cant use certain words like support help this will make it nearly impossible to request support
what if, like a profanity filter, we make it so you cant use certain words like support help this will make it nearly impossible to request support
yeah, most people with Heroic tactition would be a able to do that pretty quickly, but what about just cancelling out messages in-game altogether and give a reward to the player that is #1 in the world and #1 in each ocean that is so large that nobody would want to share it. That would get tons of players in and using gold just to grab that prize. The world could last for like six months and whoever is in 1st place wins.
This would also create way more wars, because you cannot get to be #1 in the world if you don't conquer. I like the idea with some of these changes and would definitely vote for it.
i suppose but if there is someone who has just started the game that day they re going to be easly wiped out, what abour reduced protection so you can get into it quicker???
hmmm,what would the value of these reqards be, if they arent worth fighting for no one will want to compete for them...
i like the idea actually i LOVE it! but i dislike the requirements due to rl conditions i've always just missed 10 cities the max i got was 7 or 8 before having to quit last year. but i love to fight also because the hero worlds honestly aren't as fun because of lack of competition because of lack of players i think reqs are a horrible idea
thought you didnt want requirements...