Rejected Idea~ Anarchy Worlds

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what if, like a profanity filter, we make it so you cant use certain words like support help this will make it nearly impossible to request support


what if, like a profanity filter, we make it so you cant use certain words like support help this will make it nearly impossible to request support

You cannot control what people say in external chats, though, so players who communicated outside of Grepolis would still be able to do so.


In my opinion, the best way to discourage players from working together is to have some sort of incentive for success. If, for example, worlds only lasted ~3 months with a WW/Hero World style reward for the top players.. well, there is more motivation for players to compete for the top spot rather than aiding each other. Short term worlds such as that, though, would likely require greater moderation. And if there were incentives/rewards awarded to the victors each time, that too would have issues.
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that could work, care to develop further

we need to consider
-type of reward


yeah, most people with Heroic tactition would be a able to do that pretty quickly, but what about just cancelling out messages in-game altogether and give a reward to the player that is #1 in the world and #1 in each ocean that is so large that nobody would want to share it. That would get tons of players in and using gold just to grab that prize. The world could last for like six months and whoever is in 1st place wins.

This would also create way more wars, because you cannot get to be #1 in the world if you don't conquer. I like the idea with some of these changes and would definitely vote for it.


yeah, most people with Heroic tactition would be a able to do that pretty quickly, but what about just cancelling out messages in-game altogether and give a reward to the player that is #1 in the world and #1 in each ocean that is so large that nobody would want to share it. That would get tons of players in and using gold just to grab that prize. The world could last for like six months and whoever is in 1st place wins.

This would also create way more wars, because you cannot get to be #1 in the world if you don't conquer. I like the idea with some of these changes and would definitely vote for it.

Cancelling all ingame messages is a terrible idea. Support could still be received through outside communication, and you're just cutting off a social aspect of the game.

Rewards for victory would, in my opinion, be best if given for the top 3 players overall and for the top player in the ABP and DBP rankings. The reward could either be in the form of gold (perhaps 2500 for #1 overall, 2000 for #2, 1500 for #3.. then 1000-2000 for the player at #1 for ABP and DBP), or an in-game reward such as that given to players who complete a World Wonder. Personally, I think gold rewards would work best, especially with a world that resets and repeats. It means that the players who win have a supply of gold to use in the next world, but it also does not give them a significant advantage over other players (as anyone would be able to buy gold and compete with them). The gold rewards could be scaled up or down, depending on the length of the world and the various settings.

While players could still work together, the limit of just 3 rewards would mean that greed encourages competition. Nobody will want to come 4th, and miss out on a prize, so the competition at the top will be fierce. The only issue would be if the top 3 players are each in separate oceans, far from each other. This would result in them each picking off smaller players in order to grow, rather than fighting and conquering each other. It may also result in collaboration between players in different oceans.


to solve that problem all you have to do is reduce the space in which they are able to grow then they will be forced to span out and attack others in another ocean, as you said the prize will defiantly cause greed and aggression within the players, thanks for helping to come up with a solution this may work :D


what if to access these worlds like the hero world you need hero tactition? or something along the lines of that


I would say not to have a requirement, to leave it open to all.. but that would be for the devs to decide.


i suppose but if there is someone who has just started the game that day they re going to be easly wiped out, what abour reduced protection so you can get into it quicker???


i suppose but if there is someone who has just started the game that day they re going to be easly wiped out, what abour reduced protection so you can get into it quicker???

In my suggestion, settings would be the same as any other world, so there is no reason why anyone would be 'wiped out' any faster than they would be on a regular world. Anyone could play it, but only the best would be good enough to win the prizes.


hmmm,what would the value of these reqards be, if they arent worth fighting for no one will want to compete for them...


sorry my mistake i see :p sounds good, alot of peope will probs play this game mode and alot of people in grepolis now think its a good idea and would definatly play it and a couple people i know in the real world like it and would play it :D


The opinions of a few people you know are fairly irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things. Grepolis has many thousands of players, so the people you have asked may be in the minority as far as approval ratings. Just keep developing it and working out the flaws before you get excited.


i know i was just saying lol right the next issue would be?
any thing along the lines of???
conquest availability(time taken to get conquest CS cultural levels etc.)
and the rate in which you get city slots?


cool do you know of any flaws in the idea? and hahah your profile pic loooolll


i like the idea actually i LOVE it! but i dislike the requirements due to rl conditions i've always just missed 10 cities the max i got was 7 or 8 before having to quit last year. but i love to fight also because the hero worlds honestly aren't as fun because of lack of competition because of lack of players i think reqs are a horrible idea


i like the idea actually i LOVE it! but i dislike the requirements due to rl conditions i've always just missed 10 cities the max i got was 7 or 8 before having to quit last year. but i love to fight also because the hero worlds honestly aren't as fun because of lack of competition because of lack of players i think reqs are a horrible idea

As much as I agree that requirements are a bad idea, you have pointed out the exact reason why requirements are put in place, if they are at all. Requirements are there (usually - the Hero World requirements were so low it's a joke to even consider them requirements) to ensure that only dedicated, experienced players can join. This is to ensure that competition is as fierce as it can possibly be. Were this idea to include requirements, it would be to ensure that only the best players could join, rather than letting in anyone who has ever got a few cities and then quit.


thought you didnt want requirements...

Assuming that was directed at me; What I want is irrelevant. For a matter such as world entry requirements, it would be entirely at the developers discretion. I have, on various occasions and in various threads, given my opinions as to why entry requirements are both a good and a bad thing - such a decision is not mine to make, however, so for me to form a strong opinion either way is a waste of my time.
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