Inactive Topic Idea ~ Gold Traders


You relate this to other similar trades, which are entirely different because they are not involving gold or real currency, and are thus not against the rules. The problem is when you bring gold into play.

And with your last line you imply that it does not happen, because of how risky it is.. but as with everything else that presents a risk (botting springs to mind), people do it anyway. I have seen players pay for cities - PayPal transfers with an unofficial agreement that the receiving party will allow the conquests to continue. While it is risky, and requires some degree of trust between those involved, it happens anyway. I am not saying that these things do not happen, I am saying that it is a bad idea to add a system that makes it easier. Allowing people to transfer gold to each other with ease will increase the rate at which things like this happen..

Gold is not a currency, you can gain it for free via surveys as you keep mentioning, if gold is a currency; then so is favor and resources which you can produce through gold as well. Same goes for constructing cities, there isn't a lot you can not use gold for. I'm not privy to that line of thinking, so gold and money are two distinct concepts.

Read the last line again please, I never implied or stated it wouldn't happen, only that it would be foolish to engage in such a bargaining for obvious reasons. Yes, you are correct that there are circumstances where people will do that; players do that as it is with or without the presented idea as you mention, but the extreme limit of your scope is that you fore-go something good in the process, and if we use your logic; there are very few ideas that can be implemented in this game without some amount of abuse occurring. Whether it be gold or something else, people are always going to engage in shady deals of some description, it's as unavoidable as anything else.

I think I've made my point clear already, I'll leave this for now.


Gold is not a currency, you can gain it for free via surveys as you keep mentioning, if gold is a currency; then so is favor and resources which you can produce through gold as well. Same goes for constructing cities, there isn't a lot you can not use gold for. I'm not privy to that line of thinking, so gold and money are two distinct concepts.

I never directly called gold a currency, my words were "gold OR real currency". Now, however, you are just being pedantic. The point being made is that gold is the only thing in the game that is directly purchased with 'real money', and is not freely available in-game in the same manner as resources or favour are. In that way, it is the in-game equivalent of any real currency. And while people are always going to be engaging in what you call 'shady deals', it is when those deals involve gold that they become a problem - and are against the rules. 'Shady deals' involving resources, favour, BP or anything else of that nature are not against the rules because everyone has access to those things in one way or another. While gold can be freely gained through surveys, it is something that involves a certain amount of effort to earn and is, primarily, gained through purchasing it. When you give people the option to transfer gold (once again to make it perfectly clear: Transferring something that is primarily acquired through spending 'real money'), problems arise. And, for that reason, any system that makes it simpler to transfer gold is a bad system in my opinion.

You are right to leave it for now, though, lest the nit-picking go any further and becomes little more than an argument over who can present their point more clearly.


I like the idea of the idea. I cant count the times I've wished one of my friends could transfer gold over to me and was unable to.

But the big picture is scary. As HP said, it would increase bullying...even though it would easily be reported (he has to send a message...)

Then we have multi's jumping in. Currently the main account most likely buys gold and the dwarf just runs through. If the main dies out, he still has the dwarf, but no gold. If this were to be implemented, the main could get desecratedand just transfer it over. Making the dwarf just as valuable as the main was.


Changes that would negate the above:

1. Cannot transfer gold until 48 hours have passed without attacks on or by the two players on the two players (Player A attacks B= 48 hours...)

This would make the bully's job significantly more difficult as the resource he wants is getting pushed back by his own threats while the other player reports it.

2. No gold transfer between the same IP's. I know, I hate it too...but its the only thing to stop multi's from doing the above.


If those changes are implemented in the idea...its a major +1 from me. I tried to + rep you...I really did...the forum said I have to "spread the wealth".


HP's point was unfair to the idea.

The increase of bullying due to this idea is extremely minute, and also can be prevented by the use of reporting.

Players can REPORT all players who try to extort/trade with Gold, and that can effectively be punished by Mods. There is no issue with bullying, it's one of those ideas where it may increase bullying, but it adds enough value to the game to be of use.

Added your suggestions.


HP's point was unfair to the idea.

The increase of bullying due to this idea is extremely minute, and also can be prevented by the use of reporting.

Players can REPORT all players who try to extort/trade with Gold, and that can effectively be punished by Mods. There is no issue with bullying, it's one of those ideas where it may increase bullying, but it adds enough value to the game to be of use.

Added your suggestions.

People who get bullied at school can report it to a teacher. Does that make being bullied in real life nothing? No, of course not, it's still an issue.

I wouldn't mind this being implemented, but as stated by Corinthians it goes against the current rules of Gold Trading, and I'm sure they're not going to implement something that's against their own rules. Plus, they wouldn't look very professional if they changed the rules to fit a new feature of their game. (Although I'm sure it's been done to other games before)


That's my point, lot's of things in RL increase the chances of being bullied but we should still implement them because their value outweighs their negative impacts.

School for example is a catalyst to bullying, without schools, bullies would have little access to their victims, but why do we implement such a system because it's advantage outweighs its disadvantage.

Just because something may lead to an increase in bullying, does not mean it would be a bad addition to Grepolis.


Something's telling me you haven't been bullied in RL. I honestly can't believe you just said school outweighs the negatives of being bullied.

Like I said before, I don't mind either way about this being implemented, but that doesn't mean the comparison to RL bullying is the same as Grepolis bullying. Grepo bullying is a tactic to win a game. No harm is intended on the victim parties, as they should KNOW that it's a part of the game, and should be treated as such. RL bullying on the other hand, is a tactic at winning RL. It is NOT a legit way of winning, and needs to be stamped out. (Although there will always be an Alpha student/ tough guy/girl >.>). Long story short, you should probably word that differently, as you may offend quite a few people.


People who get bullied at school can report it to a teacher. Does that make being bullied in real life nothing? No, of course not, it's still an issue.

I agree with kanga

No doubt that people often bully others for ingame favors but its acceptable since as Corinthian said that doesn't cause any harm in real life but since gold is equivalent to real money thats why bullying for gold is a big issue which cannot be solved just by having a complain system.


Well, you all are focusing on REAL LIFE problems. Grepolis is a game. RL bullies usually do physical or verbal abuse (occasionally money, but on an extremely small scale). In this game, if the bully tells you to give him gold/money or else he'll take your city, than you can report the message with solid evidence against him. If he attacks (with my suggestion added) he still cant do anything for 48 hours making his attempts futile and forcing him to play within the rules (no gold for a city).

The problem I thought of just now was that members with gold might pay other members if they give them a city. Allowing them to essentially buy the empire.

WB, even though I kinda like the idea...I doubt it will be implemented.


Well, you all are focusing on REAL LIFE problems. Grepolis is a game.

Grepolis is a game, but when you bring gold into the equation it concerns 'real life' problems because gold costs money. Report options are possible, but there will still be ways for players to get around it (considering how often players communicate through external channels, even with their enemies/opponents). Amongst other things, one reason why bullying for in-game resources/favour isn't against the rules is because it's readily available and doesn't cost anything (even though, as Horus pointed out, gold can potentially be used to increase production of them both). If players can bully each other for gold, you risk it turning into plain extortion.

So that my criticism isn't being misunderstood as dislike for the idea, I'll make it clear that I do like the idea of a way to transfer gold between players. I have been in many situations where friends haven't had gold, but I've had an excess.. and it would have been wonderful to give them some to help them out. I, personally, would like it were it implemented.

I can't help but see the negatives to it, though.. and honestly I'd rather be inconvenienced by not being able to transfer gold, than have other players extorted for gold and lose out.


Just going to point out you can do it in TW and I've never seen issues with it. If bullying were such a problem then I doubt they would still have the ability to transfer premium points.


Something's telling me you haven't been bullied in RL. I honestly can't believe you just said school outweighs the negatives of being bullied.

<insert similarily generic counter-response where someone shares having experiences themselves growing up, in fact most people have been subjected to this either during their studies, or at work>

Bullying is going to happen irrespective whether or not money is involved, or if it's a game or something real-life related. Bullying happens now in the game, and players skirt around the 'censorship' rules grepolis enforces in regards to abusive or colorful language to engage in it, and frankly I'm a little tired of this appeal-to-emotion argument being flouted every time something slightly risky gets involved. As I said before; if one is foolish enough to engage in a risky deal that will leave them high-and-dry, that's a risk they're going to have to deal with and the subsequent consequences therein.

All of these scenarios of abuse related to gold-sharing are not as common as the arguers against seem to be purveying them as, and frankly if it works for TW; it can work for here without IG being seen as 'unprofessional' for doing so, as chrss2128 above pointed out.


As stated above reporting is a nice way to counter bullying. Bringing this transfer feature is a nice thing to add in grepolis that will help us non-premium players by getting gold from other premium players. Sure we will get it by doing some "services" for the premium players but WHAT'S THE HARM IN THAT??? We are doing something and receiving a payment (sort of speak). Buying cities with gold??? That's already happening. People are premiuming there way to the 1st spot and building cities very fast. Also don't forget the Olympic games enough of them gives you 1 free slot and with it you can colonize a city and built it to 5000+ point in 1 day if you have the gold. So this "worry" is already happening. The abuses in this idea are ALREADY happening I don't see what abuses this idea will introduce that already isn't happening. Grepolis can really alter their rule and state this in if it get's accepted.


To prevent bullying, why only have it be 48 hrs. between attacks, why not like a week or something to that extent? I like this idea though


To prevent bullying, why only have it be 48 hrs. between attacks, why not like a week or something to that extent? I like this idea though

Expand on that please. I have no idea how that would be a good idea. Many people attack cities daily.


Well chrss, if you're attacking a city, why would there be any exchange of gold between the 2 fighting players? Clearly any gold exchange within a week or so of an attack landing would signal bullying


Well chrss, if you're attacking a city, why would there be any exchange of gold between the 2 fighting players? Clearly any gold exchange within a week or so of an attack landing would signal bullying

Not necessarily, it could be the player who is giving the gold asking the receiver to attack one of their cities to clear some units to change a build. I think having the attack-check in place would not be needed, most of this is just up to common sense. If someone is attacking you to get gold, report any messages of them demanding it from you in exchange for a cease of attacks; caving in and doing so is not exactly a bright move, or could be seen as a cowardly act depending on the circumstances.


I suggest after every transaction a notification appear. That clearly stated the rules and regulations on the gold exchange.

And if breached how they will result in a ban.


Not necessarily, it could be the player who is giving the gold asking the receiver to attack one of their cities to clear some units to change a build. I think having the attack-check in place would not be needed, most of this is just up to common sense. If someone is attacking you to get gold, report any messages of them demanding it from you in exchange for a cease of attacks; caving in and doing so is not exactly a bright move, or could be seen as a cowardly act depending on the circumstances.

If they wanted to clear some units, then the giver could support a neighboring 175 pt. city with the units they want to clear and the receiver could attack that city.