I have had a member in my alliance who has kicked everyone out the alliance and dismantled everything within the it.
The person in question is a good lad and an experienced member of our alliance so i dont know if that was his plan from the start or he has been truely hacked??
I have messaged this person and started speaking to someone who has said that they have hacked the account and have taken all his resources.
He also reckoned that he has hacked 15 other account today and done the same.
I dont know if the account has been hacked or not but i will post the details of the player as people will after keep a eye on him as we dont need idoits like this within the game spoiling things
Island 306306
Ocean: 65 (617,592)
gary30uk (1608 points)
also i think the account needs reporting aswell
The person in question is a good lad and an experienced member of our alliance so i dont know if that was his plan from the start or he has been truely hacked??
I have messaged this person and started speaking to someone who has said that they have hacked the account and have taken all his resources.
He also reckoned that he has hacked 15 other account today and done the same.
I dont know if the account has been hacked or not but i will post the details of the player as people will after keep a eye on him as we dont need idoits like this within the game spoiling things
Island 306306
Ocean: 65 (617,592)
gary30uk (1608 points)
also i think the account needs reporting aswell