Inactive Topic Include God worshipped on spy reports


Add God worshipped in the city to any successful spy report

Have you Checked the DNS and PSI lists in the Archives? Is this idea similar to one that has been previously suggested?
Had a look didn't see anything but may have missed it

Spy report is supposed to provide an attacker with all relevant information needed to launch an attack/conquer attempt - Knowing the God is an important item of knowledge as it allows you to send the appropriate mythical support and request same from your alliance teammates

Just add to existing any successful spy report an image of the God worshipped in that city (leave blank for ghosts or where player hasn't selected a god to worship)

Don't really see it affecting anything else in the Game

Abuse Prevention:
Hard to see how it would permit abuse or help cheaters cheat

Any real spy would report what an attacker needed to know - surely if the game has gods and only permits certain mythicals relevant to a specific god to be sent to a city that worships that same God then this is information an attacker needs and a spy should supply that info automatically


I reckon make this a thing if the city sending the spy has an Oracle. Might make the special building a little more worth building


If this was a thing you could just change god before the cs hits causing the information you gained to work against you


i think if you have oracle, maybe
otherwise, this is one of the advantages the defender has, that the god is unknown
if you do an hc and find out the units, you can know but you need to work for this info

when you send myths with a cs, you can send from any god
(it's just like any attack except the units stay to defend)
it's only the support that must be of the same one as in the city


Yeah - have to say - it would be hard for a spy to be definitive about a god in a foreign city... that would mean deep penetration entering the city and the temple itself to find out... as most temples from the outside anyway showed worship of the pantheon... If you made it that the statue was of the cities god, and therefore you would be able to know it if the city had a statue, I can see some logic in that... but otherwise yeah have to agree - the defender needs some advantages...