Discussion Introduce a Cool Down Timer To Stone Hail.

  • Thread starter DeletedUser48073
  • Start date


Proposal: Introduce a cool down timer to Stone Hail so that the victims stop getting spammed.

Reason: I am in a world currently where one a my players likes to literally tear down active players cities. In other words, he attacks them for 10-12 hrs a day with 5 cities on an island all with cats, every 15 - 20 minutes. As a result the victims of these attacks not only lose points on their cities, they quickly lose interest in the game all together and quit.

Details: The way this would work is that once stone hail is researched, an icon would appear in your command screen(see visuals) much like the 'breakthrough' icon you would see. The cool down is individual to each city so once a stone hail attack is launched, there is a timer that has to count all the way down (1-6hrs depending on the world speed) before you can launch a stone hail attack again from that city.

This way it would make the game play more dynamic and avoid having the victims quit and lose interest. It would give them a chance to 1 - get support, 2- build up a counter force. This will also encourage teamwork on the attacking end: If an alliance wants to knock down a city they will need to work together otherwise it will take too long.

Visuals: Take a look at where the icon would go ---> http://prntscr.com/h607bm

Balance: This would effect the stone hail attack... That is all

Abuse Prevention: If anything this idea prevents stone hail from becoming a spam attack.


Stone hail makes people quit the game and the last thing grepolis needs is more players leaving worlds and missing out on the fun. This I think is a great way to control it and turn it into something that requires teamwork and planning to be effective, no longer a one man wrecking ball.

In case any of you were wondering: The cool down does not affect your ability to use a regular catapult attack that destroys the wall. Just any catapult attacks during the cool down time will not have the stone hail effect.


I changed the prefix on this from discussion to proposal since it doesnt meet the requirements for discussion.


I hate this idea. People should be forced to defend their cities rather than leave them empty to be attacked with no negative effects. Defenders already get a large bonus vs attackers and it also doesn't reflect what happened in RL. Defend your cities properly, stone-hail is part of the game.


I hate this idea. People should be forced to defend their cities rather than leave them empty to be attacked with no negative effects. Defenders already get a large bonus vs attackers and it also doesn't reflect what happened in RL. Defend your cities properly, stone-hail is part of the game.

Can't argue with that.


I understand that the basic reason for this idea being proposed is the risk that stone hail may just be that bit too powerful. And I understand that idea: You could veritably tear down an entire city with it...That is too much power.

I support the proposal for a limitation. I encourage everybody to join the discussion. Ideas exist to be discussed. I believe too, as I said, that this idea belongs to be taken seriously. Tearing down an entire city can NEVER be the goal of catapults...No.No.No. They exist to tear down walls. That's it.

Lets be glad to somebody has seen this weakness.


@MI-13 Join an alliance, ask for help
If the one you are in currently is unwilling to help, find a new one
Third choice is.. if you can't beat them join them


@MI-13 Join an alliance, ask for help
If the one you are in currently is unwilling to help, find a new one
Third choice is.. if you can't beat them join them

I do not have this problem, the enemy alliance is falling victim to this. My reason for this proposal is to keep the game fun and enjoyable on all sides.


I do not have this problem, the enemy alliance is falling victim to this. My reason for this proposal is to keep the game fun and enjoyable on all sides.

By taking away fun? It's a horrible idea IMHO.


I'm against this idea, for a few reasons.
- Stonehail is already a research that requires a bit of thought. You might not want to be destroying buildings in a city that you intend to take, and stonehail isn't something that you can turn on and off like you can with breakthrough.
- Stonehail is one of the few ways to make someone actually defend a city with DLU. Otherwise they can just use up resources and favour (or if it's an isolated colony, just not choose a god), and just stack the city with biremes.
- Stonehail is also probably the best tactic if the enemy keeps colonising in your core. If you take the city, you use up a slot on a small city, free up the slot for the enemy player to do the same thing again, and probably give the defender some decent BP as well. If you farm the city without stonehail, you don't prevent them from building up, and they can just use their resources up whenever you attack. Stonehail prevents them from building up unless they defend it with DLU.


I'm against this idea, for a few reasons.
- Stonehail is already a research that requires a bit of thought. You might not want to be destroying buildings in a city that you intend to take, and stonehail isn't something that you can turn on and off like you can with breakthrough.
- Stonehail is one of the few ways to make someone actually defend a city with DLU. Otherwise they can just use up resources and favour (or if it's an isolated colony, just not choose a god), and just stack the city with biremes.
- Stonehail is also probably the best tactic if the enemy keeps colonising in your core. If you take the city, you use up a slot on a small city, free up the slot for the enemy player to do the same thing again, and probably give the defender some decent BP as well. If you farm the city without stonehail, you don't prevent them from building up, and they can just use their resources up whenever you attack. Stonehail prevents them from building up unless they defend it with DLU.



Shameful Bump of the thread.
Stone Hail. is one of those brilliant tactical quirks of the game. It should be beefed up, not held back, I have noticed that when attacking a city the effectiveness drops when the city size drops below a certain point level (it may be on a sliding scale). I found this out when a player in my alliance left the game leaving so many cities the alliance just didn't have enough slots to take all those cities and as we butted up against the number one alliance in that world. yes we did take what cities we could, but, of course the big boys waded in.
It was at that point I decided to do a Scorch Earth policy and Flat Pack those juicy big cities with the Dirty Cat Nukes, pounding away day and night, on those cities that I felt were strategically important, to me as well as them. After the cities points fell below about the 5K point, there were some attack reports coming in with minimal / no damage done to buildings. as you got down to 3.5K most were reporting no damage. wasn't to much of an issue, however, I do regard a 3.5K city as being conquest ready in the hands of a skilled player, as such it is a threat that can't just be lover looked.
Of course, there is the other side of the coin, as previously pointed out. Dirty Cats makes players defend or face farming and city point size reduce. especially on the front line against an Alliance with a "NO WALL" policy. Anyone for BP's?