Iota Best Of!

  • Thread starter Sapphire Sorrows
  • Start date


Okay fantastic posters of Iota, I have an idea.

Shock Horror ;)

What i think would be fantastic is if there was one thread where people new to Iota, or even old to Iota could go to get all the important info. What do i mean by important info?

~Welcome to Iota
~Introduction to Iota
~Iota history (in short, i'm not that keen lol)
~Game winners (games like Good VS Evil, King of the Hill, Iota Story Time)
~POTM winners/ Hall of Fame

What do you guys think? Got any of them new fandangled suggestions for me?


I say we have "Pitcher" of the Month


we should have "Catcher" of the Month

Pitcher = attacker
Catcher = Defender

(if you do not get the in-u-end-OH... good your too young) HA


Attacker and Defender of the month sounds good - but how would we measure it? Each month everyone would have to start equal...Maybe if we pick you targets?


That would work. Like target BP in a month or whoever conquers or loses the most cities in a month?


Or perhaps One specific city to defend....a ghost town in the most densely populated area, That has to be defended....

Attacker being the one who takes that ghost?

We'd have to have specific teams set up, with volunteers picking attack of defense. Make a week long event of it?


Or perhaps One specific city to defend....a ghost town in the most densely populated area, That has to be defended....

Attacker being the one who takes that ghost?

We'd have to have specific teams set up, with volunteers picking attack of defense. Make a week long event of it?

Hey Saph... not what I was thinking.

Deficiency with what you are proposing:
-In game coordination would be horrid
-limitation by geography (we choose an island in O45 for example all those far away are limited participation to 0)

I agree it should be on a month to month basis

** I propose we do snap shots of ABP and DBP and those be the determining factor.
***So lets say we would start this today. So we take a snapshot of the ABP ad DBP and the in 30 days we do the same. The mean between the 2 dates would be the determing number for who gets Attacker and Defender awards.

Anything else seems too difficult to track (something that will be done maybe once or twice then fall to the waistside)



Hey now that sounds like fun. We would have to find a ghost town near enough the middle of the attacker and defender. But it could work and be awesome! Of course I would lose either way. lol.


Now granted much of what I propose is due to activity.

Also the bigger players have the advantage... but we have the advantage in what you propose also.

The only differance would be the coordination.


Okay, well i can't go ingame so i am going to need someone to be very awesome and honest to get us screen shots :p


Me? No, you can't mod a world you play. I only Play Beta and i don't think my screenshots there won't make much sense for Iota :p