It is time...


Hello everyone...

I have just seen MATRIX after long time and I have an idea came to my mind:

Goodbye Grepolis and Innogames.

I am Gold user, but I limited myself to use gold to cutting once to half time of troops production (when important).

The game was ballanced - Innogames provided service for the money.

Now that balance is ruined... now it is only "... for the money".

In new world Zancle I have been hit by Mantie nuke by player that has one city of 1700 points. He caught me doing something and cleared my city... which is fine... not the first time. But what scared me is that my first reaction in order to get on my feet and match his game was to buy package of gold.

Therefore, goodbye Inoogames... or shall I say Goodbuy.

PS - I will be contacting those that I know to inform them about my current game location. Yes, I will be playing some non-Inno game. And if Inno deletes this, it will just be worse.

Several years yours



I must say I can't blame you. The TV ads, the media hype all cost serious money and the players are getting hit hard for it.

"The game was balanced - Innogames provided service for the money.

Now that balance is ruined... now it is only "... for the money".<<<<so very true

The game and its owners will be ok. New players will be fascinated by it and jump on board. Folks that feel "let down" will move on.. So business and its customer relationship is today.

Just my two cents
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I'm in the same boat as you Van.
2 servers have been ruined by the Hen.
Instant buy is a cash grab.


I agree completely. The game has gone from great and balanced, where gold only gave administrators and event advantages, to where gold can buy EVERYTHING including troops, buildings, and now even resources. For the people that don't want to spend a lot of money on the game, it has ruined it. Zancle could possibly be my last world here in Grepolis due to this issue.

EDIT: Wow, did some mod give him -rep for this?
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Mod plz delete
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Of all the changes recently the insta gold buy is the one I feel was a mistake and that I dont see the logic for. Greed perhaps but alot of us in Triad use gold admittedly many of us would que up 7 stacks of Light ship or Biremes and half them all so this change perhaps increased gold use early in a world but later on I cant see how which we all agree on here at 15-20 cities no way we all insta buy multiple cities of ships and troops perhaps a city worth for a cs or an operatiin but overall we will all use less so this change if driven by greed was just moronic.

As for the egg look everyone gets to use it and while abit mad for so many flyers at the start of a server was interesting it was a fun diversion having to rally evrryone to support sieges at this stage but it proved fun and good pratice for later on but hardly unbalancing overall perhaps combined with the insta buy it has proven a little stupid but we have seen it before.

Either way the game is won and lost by the strength of your team still where many similar games are pretty much pay to win.



Grepolis is getting closer and closer to be a pay to win game but it still isn't there yet. Even when it does get to that point though the amount of players that actually use the amount of gold needed to be able to pay to win is very low. Usually it's one or two players per world. Very rarely is there ever enough to make a whole alliance.


Grepolis is getting closer and closer to be a pay to win game but it still isn't there yet. Even when it does get to that point though the amount of players that actually use the amount of gold needed to be able to pay to win is very low. Usually it's one or two players per world. Very rarely is there ever enough to make a whole alliance.

No, I disagree. The game is like this: Hey, you can play, and maybe get a good alliance, but you can't get high in the rankings without gold. Like, look at Triad, I bet all of their top 10 members are gold whores. And, wsm is probably a gold war too. All these worlds are getting ruined. Like, I'd rather play a game where you pay 99 cents to get in, and gold doesn't exist!


You used to have 'red' rep as in you have negative points. My +rep must have changed that...


No, I disagree. The game is like this: Hey, you can play, and maybe get a good alliance, but you can't get high in the rankings without gold. Like, look at Triad, I bet all of their top 10 members are gold whores. And, wsm is probably a gold war too. All these worlds are getting ruined. Like, I'd rather play a game where you pay 99 cents to get in, and gold doesn't exist!
The way you are looking at it is a bit extreme, it is not that much. Especially in older worlds, there are very few gold-to-win players, and many of the Traids don't use gold.


No, I disagree. The game is like this: Hey, you can play, and maybe get a good alliance, but you can't get high in the rankings without gold. Like, look at Triad, I bet all of their top 10 members are gold whores. And, wsm is probably a gold war too. All these worlds are getting ruined. Like, I'd rather play a game where you pay 99 cents to get in, and gold doesn't exist!

First of all there is no need for gold if we have players like u to feed us with BP and ress, and then ghost 1500 point after 15 days of playing.
Second those "gold whores" allows u, me and tons of other players to play game for free, and thats how it works in every free 2 play game. If u dont like it, dont play it and thats all.
There is bunch of players who use gold in others alliances too, Triad just have best use of it because of best organisation and teamplay and that's what how to win :)
So my advice for u is to start playing game or quit it instead of slacking, making mess in own alliance,ghosting and then trash talking on forums how everything is bad but you.


I was very dismayed about the the all or nothing use of gold to speed up buildings. Kids are going to get in trouble with their parents, and I am pretty much accountable to my household. The last thing I need is for a GAME to start popping up $50 purchases left and right, like I've spent the day at a video arcade.


No, I disagree. The game is like this: Hey, you can play, and maybe get a good alliance, but you can't get high in the rankings without gold. Like, look at Triad, I bet all of their top 10 members are gold whores. And, wsm is probably a gold war too. All these worlds are getting ruined. Like, I'd rather play a game where you pay 99 cents to get in, and gold doesn't exist!

Triad is the rare case that I was talking about but the player rankings mean nothing beyond bragging rights. The goal of the game is win wonders and yeah triad uses a lot of gold but they don't win wonder by their gold at all. I know I have played against them. Triad uses an amazing amount of gold and that can be annoying at times) but they also have a truly amazing amount of skill.
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I think the spirit of the original post is getting lost in translation. As much as I agree that most "free" games need to make money in order to provide FREE gaming, I do agree with the original post that it now seems excessive.

I don't care if Triad or The Lords Of Flat Bush use the devices at their disposal, as is their right, like it or not, it is a reality and available.

My objection mirrors the original poster, that the game's current design of play has become unbalanced towards those with more liquid assets than others.


On a player to player level yes I agree. However there aren't that many heavy gold users of the caliber that skill won't beat them one on one.


On a player to player level yes I agree. However there aren't that many heavy gold users of the caliber that skill won't beat them one on one.

who cares the fact is the current system is rubbish in the respect that its so expensive it is beyond the realms of most players to use. Inno win from it because those that do spend indiscriminantly spend more so inno receive more.

fact is grepolis is now run by managers and spread sheets originaly it was made by people with a passion for gaming who created something special
grepo sold its sole to the corperation and its the players who lose out :(


Here is what they made possible:

Quick guide: Win server in 10 steps

(or How rich man can win server in few weeks)

Requirements: You have to buy enough gold and wait for new server to open


1. Buy resources and build city to 10.000 points in 2 days.

2. Buy resources and train troops instantly.

3. Attack everyone on your island and islands around you, clear their troops and loot their resources.

4. Buy more resources and train lost troops instantly.

5. If enemy was activating militia behind wall - research Catapults and destroy walls in those cities and then loot their resources.

6. If enemy is hiding troops and resources from you - research Stone Hail and level down their cities to the ground.

7. Repeat steps 1 - 6 util they all quit game.

8. Gather other players like you in one alliance.

9. Sim until WW starts.

10. Build 7 World Wonders.


PS - Inno will take care that you also have enough Mantie-nukes-shaped-eggs to throw around in a process.​