Just a Question



I just had a question about Hero Worlds. It seems I'm too late to join this one, as all the action has started already, but I just wanted to know for the next one, how are the HW's? Are they better or worse than the normal worlds? Any specific qualities that make them better/worse?

Ethan A. :)


The Gods, starting with 3 small cities already knowing you alliance mates if you go in with them and it will be more competitive. less players will stop playing when they sign up.


not too late all man, everyone still based in the middle 4 oceans...not quite expanded out from the core yet. only about 10 players or so have got to 15 cities yet, a couple have hit 20, but still early days.

Grap a few of your buddies from your other server and start from scratch some were on here....if you get rimmed...join the next one.

this one needs more players if they going to launch another...not a big uptake yet it seems


If you want to join don't pick SE. If you do you'll be way out of the core but then again you'll be closer to big players if you pick any other directions. Depends whether you can handle it or not.


not too late at all to join. the new god is reason nuff to give it a go.


Not to late to join

Are they better or worse than the normal worlds? Any specific qualities that make them better/worse?

The thing which I like about hero worlds is that almost everyone is active,its not like ordinary world where +50% players just start and leave their cities,
also most players are quite experienced and as it was said before that due to low requirement to get heroic tactition award
many noobs will be there but surprisingly majority of players playing in hero world are active, aggressive and experienced


most noobs and simmers get rimmed right away. you have to know how to defend in this world and be very active. The unit speed of 1 is good cuz it forces team coordination to get a successful siege under way.


Thanks you guys. I'll consider joining, bu I've got a lot of school stuff going on, finishing up all my end-of-year projects. :/


Just one last question, does the Age of World Wonders start immediately or do you have to wait like in normal worlds?