

this thread is lame krypts.

and jusch, i think that no world can ever be theta again for us. never ever. If it was theta, would the forum be like this?? Or would krypts still be around? lol
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There are a lot of funny forums here. Forum in general isn't lame at all. The forum is how the players make it.
I joined june 2011 (but played already before) and I've known a lot of nice forums.


If you want to see someone interesting, look at Rooster Jone's posts. A guaranteed mood boost. ;)


OK I'll give you that.. every now and then I see something funny in this forum and the pnp stuff is cool

I have no idea who rooster jones is, can you post some quotes?
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Joined the forum Oct 2011 and always just did a bit of reading and went back to playing the game. But this time decided a post here and there couldn't hurt, and now i'm actually having more fun with Grepolis.


External forums always add a bit more fun to the game. Ingame we just attack each other but over here we can really make jokes with (about) each other. And the PnP's are always a pleasure to read.


Well we are all having a lot of fun here in Gela, but I continue to boggle at why these new worlds are not spiraling and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

This 'quarter of a world' thing is kind of stupid


As you can see by the support ticket, the mods were less than helpful with my questions. ie, they pretty much didn't answer them

Hades4765 2012-12-21 05:23:07

I would like to know why the new worlds only spawn in one direction and not in a spiral fashion as it once did. Is it going to remain this way in Gela, only spawning new players in the Northeastern hemisphere or is it going to eventually start spiraling in other oceans as well. This is important information for my alliance as it will decide how we geographically and strategically place our cities and backline forces..

Athena 2012-12-21 13:03:55
Hello Hades4765,

The world has reached its maximum population and it appears most spaces were filled with invites to specific areas.


Hades4765 2012-12-21 19:23:23
But with all due respect, that does not answer any of my questions.

Why did it not spawn anyone in any other quarter of the map other than Northeast? It is like a quarter slice of a pie rather than the full circle. Is this intentional, as all of the new worlds seem to be this way, or a glitch? Are you saying that since the world is at max pop, there will be no new players joining? Will new players be allowed to join in other directions, such as Southeast, putting them in oceans such as 36, 27, etc? Because right now, regardless of which direction you choose, it takes you Northeast.

Thank you.
Athena 2012-12-21 19:39:34
During the invite phase, players can invite to specific islands/ areas of the map.


Hades4765 2012-12-22 00:15:27
I understand this. But we had people join without links and try to go in a different direction other than Northeast from the core, and they were still sent Northeast from the core.


Why did the world not send players who asked for random or anything other than Northeast, all still inevitably get sent Northeast?
Hades4765 2012-12-22 00:20:49
Sorry didn't mean to resolve this..

I also need to know if it will spawn players randomly to oceans to the West and Southwest, Northwest in the future. Or will those Oceans forever be empty? Can we bank on that?
Athena 2012-12-22 00:21:23
They should spawn, will look into this, but now that the world is closed to further players it is difficult now to check.




At least if the activity stays up in the far north east, there will be some epic battles to be had with the alliances over there. whoever comes to control what is traditionally the core, will have to double their efforts to take the "new core." The next several months should be interesting.



Hey, who let the cute Oceans Vet in here?


In case you wonder, the cat is still floating. Jezus Christ (which I presume stands for Krypt) is already in the water; Keeping heads up. lol