Late Join = No Love?


Hey you guys!

I left the game a while back during Dimale wonder times. Anyway I installed the app the other day, and logged in to check if I got my cities!

Oh well, I noticed they just thrown me into the new world without a prompt :3 (yes, all my worlds ghosted :( )

So without a doubt, I started helping poor people around by taking gold as payment. (I never seen a $, so count me out of premium user)

But recently I decided to give this world a shot. Let's see how long I survive. BUT here's the point!

I got only one city in the end, so I got no love from the world. People be so cruel!
I knock at their doors, they show me REQUIREMENTS.
:( This is quite painful, cuz all I do is watch them taking cities.
While I think anxiously, conquer whom?

About the forum changes, I don't like these changes! Very less informative, the old BB codes were cool. This is more like a EASY USER version which is labeled "For All Age"



I know how you feel. I restarted on Lato and asked to join the Lato Federation. Turned down and then conquered by some other player.


Fortunately I met a few friends here :)

Just I miss MORALE these times, else, inactive morale was all I ever wanted.