


If you speak English:

If your native language is Spanish, speak only Spanish or speak any language including Spanish and want to spend time in the game and become one of the most powerful server in the company of good Latin American, Spanish and other bilingual player this is the perfect match for you!

The only requirements besides the minimum knowledge of Spanish is quite active to ensure self-sufficiency and prosperity so the alliance will as such!

Send your application to T-ScarFace or -Satyra-

Traduccion para los que solo hablan Español:

Si tu idioma natal es el Español, solo hablas español o hablas cualquier idioma incluyendo el español y quieres pasar un rato en el juego y volverte uno de los mas fuertes del servidor en compañia de buenos latinoamericanos, españoles y cualquier otro jugador bilingue esta es la alianza perfecta para ti!

Los unicos requerimientos ademas del conocimiento minimo del idioma español es ser bastante activo para asegurar la autosuficiencia y asi le prosperidad de la alianza como tal!

Envia tu solicitud a T-ScarFace o -Satyra-

PD:is not racism or anything, just that the founders have not mastered the English language to perfection and we have better communication with our colleagues

PD: no es racismo ni mucho menos, solo que los fundadores no dominamos a la perfeccion el ingles y queremos tener mejor comunicacion con nuestros compañeros
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Hello there,

Please forgive me if i'm being rude, but...

Latin means a lot of things and is not equal with spanish. There's also portuguese, italian, romanian and catalan as main latin languages.
Might be that a latin person, which posesses latin-power as your title states, doesn't speak spanish but portuguese, italian, romanian or catalan.
So my little remark is this: please rename your thread "spanish-power" as you don't include all the other latin languages.


ps: please be sure to careful read the rules and be sure not to get in troubles because of them. especially the following

§5) Language
This Grepolis server is the International server. Player or alliance profiles must be written in English or have an English translation of any texts. Private communications, including alliance forums, are allowed to be in any language. It is forbidden to refuse to allow a player entry to an alliance based on his/her nationality.

All my best wishes for your alliance as i'm also a latin player, regardless to the fact i don't speak spanish (at least not as good as i want :) )


Hello there,

Please forgive me if i'm being rude, but...

Latin means a lot of things and is not equal with spanish. There's also portuguese, italian, romanian and catalan as main latin languages.
Might be that a latin person, which posesses latin-power as your title states, doesn't speak spanish but portuguese, italian, romanian or catalan.
So my little remark is this: please rename your thread "spanish-power" as you don't include all the other latin languages.


ps: please be sure to careful read the rules and be sure not to get in troubles because of them. especially the following


§5) Language
This Grepolis server is the International server. Player or alliance profiles must be written in English or have an English translation of any texts. Private communications, including alliance forums, are allowed to be in any language. It is forbidden to refuse to allow a player entry to an alliance based on his/her nationality.

All my best wishes for your alliance as i'm also a latin player, regardless to the fact i don't speak spanish (at least not as good as i want :) )

you missed french. french is a latin language too, si vous plait.



Hello there,

Please forgive me if i'm being rude, but...

Latin means a lot of things and is not equal with spanish. There's also portuguese, italian, romanian and catalan as main latin languages.
Might be that a latin person, which posesses latin-power as your title states, doesn't speak spanish but portuguese, italian, romanian or catalan.
So my little remark is this: please rename your thread "spanish-power" as you don't include all the other latin languages.


ps: please be sure to careful read the rules and be sure not to get in troubles because of them. especially the following

§5) Language
This Grepolis server is the International server. Player or alliance profiles must be written in English or have an English translation of any texts. Private communications, including alliance forums, are allowed to be in any language. It is forbidden to refuse to allow a player entry to an alliance based on his/her nationality.

All my best wishes for your alliance as i'm also a latin player, regardless to the fact i don't speak spanish (at least not as good as i want :) )

thank you very much, there is the translation in English to avoid this problem, as you told yourself if you write something in another language must have a translation. I think so and there will be no confusion.

You do not prevent anyone entering the alliance, whoever can come only advance notice most things within the alliance speak Spanish xD!

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you missed french. french is a latin language too, si vous plait.

Toutes mes excuses, monsieur. J'ai pense a francais mais malheureusement j'ai oublie de l'ecrire.
That is: all my appologies sir. I thought of french but unfortunately forgot writting it.
Indeed, french, italian, spanish, porutguese, romanian and catalan are latin languages so each must be considered infused with LATIN POWER :)

And thank you T-ScarFace for clarifying the title issue, now it's much clearer what you're sesarching.
Yes, it's very good your tell people what they'll see when entering the alliance so they aren't confused if they don't understand the language.

Good luck with the alliance and have a great game!
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I never knew French was latin but good luck with your alliance


But i thought your founders couldn't speak english? Why not just not speak Spanish.
*I'm sure they can speak English and for the benefit of their other members they should.

*Para los otros= Estoy segura que pueden hablar en Ingles, y para el beneficio de sus miembros deben charlar Ingles tambien.


*I'm sure they can speak English and for the benefit of their other members they should.

*Para los otros= Estoy segura que pueden hablar en Ingles, y para el beneficio de sus miembros deben charlar Ingles tambien.

Si? por que? los otros tiener acceso a un traductor tambien.
Que es la mejoridad en este aliance? english o espanol?


Read the post again

Hello there,

Please forgive me if i'm being rude, but...

Latin means a lot of things and is not equal with spanish. There's also portuguese, italian, romanian and catalan as main latin languages.
Might be that a latin person, which posesses latin-power as your title states, doesn't speak spanish but portuguese, italian, romanian or catalan.
So my little remark is this: please rename your thread "spanish-power" as you don't include all the other latin languages.


ps: please be sure to careful read the rules and be sure not to get in troubles because of them. especially the following

§5) Language
This Grepolis server is the International server. Player or alliance profiles must be written in English or have an English translation of any texts. Private communications, including alliance forums, are allowed to be in any language. It is forbidden to refuse to allow a player entry to an alliance based on his/her nationality.

All my best wishes for your alliance as i'm also a latin player, regardless to the fact i don't speak spanish (at least not as good as i want :) )

He states any body who is bi-lingual is welcome.
Those who join will obviously have a desire to improve one of their languages.
Ostia Puta porque atacar esta alianza.


I know that the language of all this place come from latin ....but dont call Latin Power .the reason is simple im Italian i know spanish but my language come from Latin and its Italian ,, some french can say the same ..also for romanian and other country .
But if you talk Spanish and you want to use this language in your alliance yourself Hispanic power .


§5) Language
This Grepolis server is the International server. Player or alliance profiles must be written in English or have an English translation of any texts. Private communications, including alliance forums, are allowed to be in any language. It is forbidden to refuse to allow a player entry to an alliance based on his/her nationality.

This is very true and as stated before its more of a prerequisite. As long as his alliance profile has an english translation and he doesn't tell people that they can't join because he/she isn't spanish he is fine. I know plenty of non-native players and some spanish players who can read, write, and comprehend but not speak spanish (me being one of the latter). So good luck to your alliance :D bienvenidos y buena suerte. (Welcome and good luck)


Si? por que? los otros tiener acceso a un traductor tambien.
Que es la mejoridad en este aliance? english o espanol?

Or vice versa...whichever way.
Lol, I would think that seeing as the name is Latin Power, most of them would speak a Romance language, and not English...But then most people speak English anyway. :rolleyes: