

If you come across anything ingame that makes you wonder about the intelligence of computer gamers or just makes you laugh out loud then post it here.

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laki67 today at 12:59 AM
Single player. But there is no need. I have to give up.
MaDDoG-SA today at 12:41 AM
Not how, WHY? WHo are you? Our alliances don't have a pact and I don't know who you are.
laki67 today at 12:20 AM
with ground troops or God's magic. Thank you for reply
MaDDoG-SA today at 12:09 AM
Why would I help you?
laki67 on 4/22/11 at 10:36 PM
Please. Need support. New attack. Perithia Nereus comes tomorrow 7.21. Yoginone Cyprus arrives tomorrow 2:38
So far I have endured eight attacks with a little help. But this is already too much. So I turned to for help. If you want help. location is Ocean 52,580,226 lotarix-TROJANS. Thanks.


What makes it even funnier is that YoginOne is my good friend lol


seriously? that's quite poor to ask someone you dont know for support