

I am leaving this world , yes this is a congratulations party since most of you don't even like me but you have to say i was a pretty good leader/diplomat . . .

Anyways , i would like to say one thing :

I have never in my entire grepolis career seen so many lies , cheats , and sneaks in one world , don't bother saying a slie comment because i won't be coming back to Troy forums to hear another word , goodbye players and members , see you on the flip side


Poor guy. This is the real Grepolis. This is what makes it so much fun just like in real wars. There is no time for hugging and kissing. Only winners.


Because TB is falling with the leaving of Nome and Niki


As many of you know; IRL issues have caused me to have to leave the game. I am making this post because I want the record to be clear on why I am leaving. It has nothing to do with anyone nor anything in the game. I've already transferred most of my cities over to others and the ones I am not going to bother transfer, I have demoed enough to make them mainly useless. I have not been nor will I be rimmed. I just wanted to pass my cities along to people who are worthy of them....as to the ones I have garbaged, whoever takes them out is welcome to them....after all, they are going to have to spend a lot of resources to take them, so they deserve getting them. On the whole, this has been an interesting experience. I have to say that the game started out as fun and interesting but with the advent of the Grepolympics, Inno Games has quickly gone the way of Evony, which is not a good thing IMO. Maybe Inno should take the time to better think things through before they end up on the losing end of multiple court cases, just like Evony has. Either way, I don't really care as I won't be around.

It was fun playing with you guys and much love to Deaths Measure and Lady Arachne, Destruxia, CNoteG, Elric, Smeltman and many, many more.


I am leaving this world , yes this is a congratulations party since most of you don't even like me but you have to say i was a pretty good leader/diplomat . . .

Anyways , i would like to say one thing :

I have never in my entire grepolis career seen so many lies , cheats , and sneaks in one world , don't bother saying a slie comment because i won't be coming back to Troy forums to hear another word , goodbye players and members , see you on the flip side

You DID cause a lot of the trouble yourself. Have a good one.