Letter to Santa


Dear Santa,

dearest Santi

Hey chubby in the smelly red suit,

I have been a good boy, nice boy, alright I have been ok alright.

Please Please Please I would like the following for xmas.

1. World Peace
2. 200,000 gold, magic troops and flying firebreathing dragons for Actium walls.
2a. Super Strong Ls for all those turtle cities.
3. To make sure you don't give those dangerous attacking players anything for christmas because they is very bad boys and he insults lots of people including nice boys who don't like to attack but build their cities.
4. A safe ocean for noobies and Mra/muti branches.
5. A new top 12 alliance list, most promising new comers, backstabbers of the week and funny attack posts.
6. Bring back underpants 44,45,54,55 as we miss them , we only have DRM to laugh at colonising on islands now.

Is it too much to ask her mate, come on I know you are doing nothing as all the little elves do all the work.