Looky here:D



As you know, innogames held a vote recently and all 1.26 worlds will be upgraded to 2.0 worlds. That means that world wonders can be built. From what I understand, this would cause an immediate end to World Beta as we know it upon completion of the world wonders.

If we want Beta to continue, we can do one thing....avoid or stop the building of world wonders which would call and end to our world.

Controlled Burn will not be building any world wonders. I wanted to see if there was an appetite to form a coalition of alliances & players who pledge the following two things:

1- Not to build any wonders
2- Agree to help search & destroy any alliance or player attempting to build the wonder.

I have already messaged many of the top ranked alliances founders and plan to continue discussions about this. We can indefinately prolong World Beta and continue to play as always, albeit in a 2.0 world.

Happy to hear any thoughts on this.


Found this on beta's forum so there may be a way out of ending gamma.:)


How exactly would the mods stop it TY ?

Well I said will find a way. I think they will most likely just discourage it and let the idea die out. Most alliances are just too strong to be able to be destroyed and there will be too many players just then building the world wonders