Answered Losing city on WW island


I understand what happens when an enemy takes a city located on a WW construction site
From the Wiki:
"Should an alliance lose control of one or more cities on an island with a Wonder under construction, the current level on which the Wonder is being built will be lost. For example: If Alliance A is building Level 7 of Wonder X, and have put 10,000,000 resources towards its completion; if Alliance B comes in and takes a city on that island, then all of the resources for Level 7 will be lost and the Wonder will remain at Level 6 with construction halted until control of the island is regained."

What happens if it's a friendly takeover by another alliance member? Do you still lose the resources and start back at the beginning of the level again?
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No nothing happens, it just continues like normal as the alliance still has control of the city.