Low-Brow Entertainment, Favorite Villains, and Mental Instability


What does it say about a person when they can watch South Park and My Name Is Earl, giggling with delight, but they find Jerry Springer utterly disgusting?

I am the fiend.^ I would never READ anything like these shows, so why do I watch? Actually, I wouldn't even list comedy as my favorite genre.

Late-night television surely rots the brain.

I think I am a snob. I have an extreme aversion to "real" people.

*looks around for real people*

You know, "real" people... the hair-pulling, socially, emotionally, and mentally dysfunctional people featured on Jerry Springer, Cops, Date Line, The White House Press Room conference attendees.....

I am so confused! I think I have developed an affection for Villains-the smart, charming variety. I WANTED Russell to win Survivor-twice! I also love Stewie from Family Guy! Joy is my favorite character from My Name is Earl. Cartman is my favorite South Park character. I even loved J.R. Ewing as a child. (Yes, I'm telling my age, so don't go there.)

Or maybe I'm just afraid that, one day, I'll end up as a guest on Jerry Springer. Because late-night has rotted my brain, and driven me crazy.

I'm going to hide under the covers now. My chihuahua is snoring loud enough to drown out the screaming in my head. Good evening!