Lambda's Weekly News!
Column 1 The war you and it:
The World at War in lambda is raging although there hasn't been very much progression throughout this war. The fight goes on! This war has now four major alliances fighting it such as the IMPERIUM empire and the IS empire for the south and the north OOC and the newly established KOF empire. Spines are tingling mintaurs are fighting. Who will win this epic battle to the end?!
Column 2 Four score and 10 months ago:
Four score and 10 months ago our grepolis provider had established a new world, Lambda was what it called. A new world was being made to a prosperous and plentiful world. Our father alliances have all came and go and now see lambda as an established world one alliance in paticular has seen it throughout the entire game... IS there was sooooo many who have fought it soooo many who have tried. But our great wars is now tearing lambda apart into even a better world (didn't seee that coming) yes blood flows in every street polis and ocean in the game soldiers weep for homes while others charge at them with brave roars! We are now an established world.
Column 3 Any other alliances claiming or fighting in this world at war?
The world at war has brought many alliances to its knees some even threats from smaller alliances such as, "Your alliance is going to get it someday, one day all us small alliances will fight back" then as i would say it if i was being threatend, " Sure i am positive that my alliance and many other alliances will crumble, look kid i was once you and i never gave up show some heart"
But thats how i would handled it mostly, but many other small alliances are fighting only to defend they are not pressing attacks or even attacking themselves, more and more alliances are more scared of fighting then dying... they all continue to just defend until this world at war is over.
Column 4
ro: What does he mean?
What does this little guy
ro: mean of course he means THIS IS GREPOLIS! He is sure that this game is fun for every Sparta like man out there? Does this necessarily mean that this is all that he is good for? No, heis probably one of the first battle harden man that has ever played grepolis! A scar over his eye he might even be one of your soldiers! Yes this liitle guy means more to grepolis so as he would say,
Column 5 Authors note:
I'm back but this will be the only one for a while so don't expect more as usual but this is it for now.