What can I say more? Political correctness is not my main virtue, so I can't congratulate the winning team.
Well . . . we ll survive without your congratulations anyway so . . .
I don't feel they deserve it,
You may fell what you like or what makes you sleep beater at night for that mater, still we most def deserved it
they were not the kind of opponents to make the game fun, heroic, unpredictable. So I really didn't enjoy playing here with BV as main adversary.
Well this statement is so sad,
We were the alliance that didn`t implemented diplomacy at first = fun, heroic, brave
We (v2) were ganged by every alliance in Paros = fun, heroic, brave, competitive, interesting, unpredictable
We (bl) were ganged by every alliance in Paros = fun, heroic, brave, competitive, interesting, unpredictable
We formed Black Venom = unpredictable, competitive, interesting, drama, turnaround, comeback
If this is not interesting and fun well I do not know what to say, since worlds are becoming smaller and smaller and were premades are leading powers in every world were lack of fun and competition are epidemic, I think BV have made this world a fun place, would have been even more interesting if Truc members didn`t ghost, Vic leaders been more organized, RO managed their politics for their own interests not Vics. But I know most of people that didn`t sim but actually played had a lot of fun in Paros.
But I have to thank BV because they made me stop playing this stupid game. lol
Oh no . . . a big grepo community loss buhu
and at the end I can just say . . .