Pending Messaging


When sending a reply on the mobile site on my phone (iPhone 3Gs), everything works okay but when I open my messages up on my laptop on Firefox 11.0 the reply I sent on my iPhone has created a new message which is identical apart from it only holds the reply and the recipients reply from there onwards. Its quite annoying because, I look down my mails and think oh I haven't replied to so and so when I have and as I'm leader of the rank 2 alliance in World Beta so I get a lot of mails daily so this gets annoying after a while. Another point is that mail notifications don't always come up on the mobile version, It well tell you on the bar at the top and you can look in notifications and it'll say I have 2 new messages then when I click on messages, I'll in fact have 5 new ones not two.

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Pretty sure this has been reported, but I'll double check. I'll list it as Pending until I get confirmation.