Molon Labe

  • Thread starter Thomas The Magnificent
  • Start date


Molon Labe: "Come and get them!"

The phrase was reportedly the defiant response of King Leonidas I of Sparta to Xerxes I of Persia when asked to lay down their arms and surrender, at the onset of the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC).
Instead, the Spartans held Thermopylae for three days and, although they were ultimately annihilated, they inflicted serious damage upon the Persian army, and most importantly delayed its progress to Athens, providing sufficient time for the city's evacuation to the island of Salamis. Though a clear defeat, Thermopylae served as a moral victory and inspired the troops at the Battle of Salamis and the Battle of Plataea.

A small, tight-knit group ready to rise up against all forces.

Diplomacy: Message myself if you feel good enough to open up talks.

Recruitment: If you are in 055, ranked high in ABP and points, feel good enough to join us please send myself an in-game/forum message. Messages like "can i join your alliance" will be deleted and ignored.

This alliance has nothing to do with the "spartan" legacy, or the Molon Labe alliance on other worlds.


you left five seconds after Nexus became 1#

do i sense you dont want to be in the number one alliance?
(rebel much?)


First off it translates to come and take them... get it right...

and secondly it was not only a moral victory, since they massacred a whole lot of persians for minimal losses..


There is an alliance on beta called Molon Labe isn't there?


hmmm, I think TTM is just too good for us guys. We should lay off.