Morc + O24 = Bad News For Triad


I see that Morc had tried to move into Triad's owned ocean and got sent back a few steps but at first i didnt realize they were at war until i saw that they made 2 cities on an island in O24 and they grew and grew until the next day one of the cities was conquered and named MORCgoHome , lol how amusing to see that Morc is not wanted in O24 but there is one more city in the ocean so maybe they will conquer it soon or me and my alliance will give it a bite or three

Goodjob Morc on the failed attempt to enter O24 but like i said its not all a fail you got one city in at least so maybe you should try to grow off that one instead of traveling 47:59:59 hours to reach your destination all the way from your little home

Hate to say this but Morc you really should start going for alliance lower than you it seems that having wars with alliances that are around your size take a toll out of your points , and structure ;)


probably an individual action or an action by few individuals. who would be interested in a rim alliance anyway :)


lol apparently this rim alliance seems to take you guys as a threat to them

but Morc is a little far off in the 50 's oceans to try and go into the 20's oceans


it's called expansion. after conquering the core you gotta go somewhere, you just can't sit and sim now eh?


I understand but it seems a lot too far away its about 3-4 oceans west


it's called expansion. after conquering the core you gotta go somewhere, you just can't sit and sim now eh?

Well, tbh you didn't conquer the core. You took in all your enemies lol as you couldn't take em out


there weren't many that we took and they'd fall sooner or later, just like some of them actually fell or got rimmed :)


Expansion is hard i just tried to move into O23 from O24 and it took forever because i chose a bad spot , SL + A.T.T.T. + Triad + Wolf Pack all trying to get the same cities and out of all 14 cities i only got one