Mount Olympus on World Gela (en53)


Hi I have got good experience in running alliances and am looking for a new adventure after I left my last world. I am looking for players who will remain active for more than a week. And are around the core (Preferably O55)

Alliances stats

Name: Mounts Olympus
Members: 50-100 (I will probably invite 200 and pick out the inactives after week

Founder - 2 | Head of council | All permissions
Leader -3 | Make up 3 or the 5 council members | All permissions
Ocean Commander | (1 per Ocean) | Invites, Mass Mail & Forums Mod
Recruiter -1/3 | Will invite new players | Invites and Mass mail
Forum Moderator - 1/2 | Will keep the forums clean and tidy | Forum Mod

I will need People to fill these positions. If you join me now before the world starts you will have first pick.

Pacts: 2-3 Good pacts. No Sister or Academy alliances.
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Hey, could I join the premade? I have good experiance leading and would like to help you with being a leader. I've been playing grepo for a while and I know lots about the game. I'm always willing to help as a team and provide my share in the alliance. Please consider my submission, thanks!


Hey. I'm starting a premade too. What if we merge after BP runs out? Just on one condition: I get to be founder. I have lead many alliances to victory and only one of mine has fallen.


@ Kayfon Yep you can join, but Make sure you start early in the south east. #

@JLB2001 Interesting offer we will see when the game has got to that point, ok?