Discussion MRA and Academys


Which is better to join a MRA ranked 19 or a Academy ranked 25th with the main ranked 15th? and which could i trust for support?:eek:


Try getting in each one. I think it would be easier to judge if you see them from the inside. But if you ask me, I'd go to the MRA at 19th.


If I would have to choose then I would have searched another coz there is no point in joining a MRA and if the other one has an academy when they are at 15 then that is also a MRA

BTW never join any academy until its sister alliance is in top 8 and are not around alliance cap.


Greetings, fellow player.

I would join that tribe which has a low or significant number of members which is not near alliance capacity, as said my HP. If some tribe is like that, consider it as an MRA, or at least near to it. An ideal tribe has low number of members and excellent average point ratio. Also see whether the tribe is near to you or not. If it's not, then there's no point in joining it as you would receive support very late.

If no one is worth joining, simply don't join them. Wait for a few days and try to see the growth rate of that tribe. Also see the BP of the members of those tribes, as this would help in determining whether they are point whores or not...


Unless you're in desperate need of defensive support then join neither. They're both MRA by the sound of things. Look around your ocean to see which of the top alliances you are close to and then send them a PM asking their entry requirements; don't ask to join yet unless you're bigger than most of their players, just get yourself noticed and find out what you have to work towards.


Of course they're both MRA, since you've stated that one is directly, and the other one would create academy's when the original alliance is full. If they've made an academy when their alliance is only half full, then they really have no idea what they're doing "GUIZ, let's make an academy and TrAiN ThEm!". No, niether of them are good to join, as stated by many above.


well what if the alliance cap is 150 and the main has only 50 and the academy has 50 but no1 in either is below 1k?