My first post... and an idea =D


Hey there!

I have a small noob alliance in BETA, "Magna Graecia"

It means "Great Greece" - in latin i think :p (ancient greek didnt work on my keyboard)

I am wondering if anyone is interested in taking on the name for their own alliance in XI... of which I would, of course, love to be a part!

I'm new to Grepolis, but I'm up there in Imperia Online and after a few days in BETA to get used to what I'm doing, I can't wait to get started in XI, and I'm hoping to get into a group of like-minded players.

SO... firstly, if anyone with a cheesy alliance name like DEATH-KILLERS wants to take the name, Magna Graecia, be my guest.

Secondly, anyone want to recruit me?? Just tell me what region (SE, SW etc) and I'm there!!

Here's looking forward to this thing opening. I'm going to bed now (UK). I'm hoping that when I wake up this thing is gonna be open!! :cool: