My Gallery: All graphic users, please rate and tell me what should be improved.


These are my current sigs, and I will update them continually.

Include my current sig in your rating too.

I have also made a couple avvies.

and a few alliance pics

and a few sigs for others.

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These are some very good works ;)

Work on your text and you'll be amazing :)


As jar said your sigs are generally good but you need to work on your fonts and text


As jar said your sigs are generally good but you need to work on your fonts and text

and your quality.make signatures a way that all used stock photos make 1 signature.
yes you can like jump a picture out of a signature but you can make it still like its a part of a signature.thats the tricky part :)

for example youre jedi assassin pic.
you can see that the left and right pic are not from the same quality.
you just work on that im sure youll get there someday :)


You should really not stretch images, It makes them look bad, other than that it's great.

Yes bianh that's right, (I loled when I saw it)
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