So after TT are gone time we revive our thoughts:
1- Musketeers: They deserve being number 1, they cracked open teddies cities, and have great offensive and defensive coordiantion.
2- Grimm sleepers: A small group of experienced, and active players with the highest points average, too hard to take a city from them.
3- Alpha centuri: An alliance that has been here since day 1, however their merge with the late Tiny teddies was a mistake. Can't wait to see how they will manage now wothout the Teddies.
4- Memento mori: Some call them inexperienced, some see them as a good aliance personally i have no idea
. Judging by BP, they have a lot to proove.
5- Noctis Venators: This alliance shows will to learn, has an active and devoted leader, would love to see some more attacks from them.
6- Carpe Jugulum: Honestly im lost here, these guys have disbanded and reformed way too much. Can't judge on what they are able to do.
7- The valkyries: three weeks ago these guys were critisized by Tiny Teddies, attacked by them, and look who is still here. Thumbs up to you guys.
8- Knights of chaos: No idea
9- April fools: So the creme de la creme form an alliance, personally i believe that if they are sincere in their profile and that they are really ego free these guys will be soon in the top three. Carefull though in the recruitment, we don't want to see all the ex Teddies members back in there...
10- Alliance of taurus: Personally i wonder how these guys have survived all the attacks on them, a lot of noobs but a devoted bunch of players.
11- 12: No idea.
Last but not least: Tiny Teddies are gone.... RIP tiny minnie microscopic teddy. Can't say you will be missed.