Newspaper Nagidos Chronicles Issue Two

  • Thread starter DeletedUser46838
  • Start date


Nagidos Chronicles
December 3, 2016​
Issue Two​

Table of Content:
  • Top 12 Sink or Swim
  • Devil’s Advocates… No More?
  • What You’ve Said On The Forums

Welcome to the second issue of the Nagidos Chronicles. I am Rock5, the reporter, newspaper writer, Supreme-yeah you get the idea. So let’s get started.

Top 12 Sink or Swim
1 Caustic Soda -
Number one in points, number 6 in fighters with an academy to feed off of when they go inactive. Swim/sink Depending on if they and noobies are in cahoots or not and depending on if they have a scrap or ignore each other and point and call names on the externals instead.

2 Show Me Your Noobies -
Number 2 in the fighters rankings number 2 attackers. Full of solid players that may or may not go south. Depending how easy they want it. Swim/sink

3 Enough is Enough
Number one fighters and attackers. Slap bang in the middle of a potential barney in the center of the map. Swim depending on where they end up geographically. But so far the stats speak for themselves. Not sure here.

4 Check Mate -
Run by a heathen, CM are in a bit of a sandwich of sadness and will have to scrap their way to safety. Number 11. In fighters which considering their size is impressive. I'd like to see them swimming but not 100% yet.

7. Attackers. 5. Fighters. In a bit of a jumble with Hydra in 45. Not sure as I haven't seen/heard of them running an op or defending an op yet.

6 Caustic Juice -
Brother/sister academy that is lower in points but higher in the fighters rankings at 4. Love it when this happens. Sink due to the new rules and inactive, feeding depreciation.

7 This is not a drill -
Nothing of note here really. Can't see them being around for long. Most attackable alliance by far imo. Sink

8 Written In Blood -
9. Attackers. 10. Fighters. in 55 below DA and east of Hydra.

In a mixed core mess with Pied. Mishmash of solid players and mra nubbins that will have to learn fast here. A respectable number 5. attackers and number 7. in fighters. If they can core up and take on another alliance in the top ten then Swim.

10-12 Alliances- These alliances will probably sink so they aren’t really much noting.

Devil’s Advocates… No More?
Recently, we’ve seen a change in the rankings; Devil’s Advocate has very quickly went down in the rankings. Why?

According to a pact alliance (Check Mate):

Move. said:
Devil's Advocates
Some rimmed
Some joined EE
Some alianceless
Some alianceless and quit
Some joined Hydra
Atleast one joined Noobies
2-3 joined CM

Currently, Devil’s rejects are 44th in the point rankings.

What You’ve Said On The Forums

EVIL BAD GUY is actually awful. Has golded out 3 nukes+cats in a row, +2 full LS nukes (same cities for each of these, so couldn't have remade them this quickly), set me to #3 DBP on the server, can't figure out the obvious answer for how to take a city from me, and this morning just blindly threw 2 CS against a city with a lvl 1 cave into a wall of birs.Probably going to quit this server (IRL stuff) but will definitely pass off my cities in their core to spite him. (Truly hope he doesn't win this server because he's actually everything that's wrong with grepo now.)

This just shows what you guys know abt the ppl from your own alliance. If you want to think that so that you can sleep well at night, go ahead. I have never seen more than 2-3 ppl ever attacking along with the cs provider. Even then escort timing as so shitty that i could snipe with my eyes closed.

Yep watched, thats exactly what you guys did. No one helped him. GJ I love your team spirit. *Claps for 10 min*

ROFL what were my so called innovative ideas on how to play grepo? That thing where multiple people send attacks at the same time to the same target? And no, wasn't a spy from the beginning. I gave up like 2 days before I left and was a spy then. And I did support people. Me bugging you guys? Because you wouldn't do basic things. You guys had basically no communication with the player base, for some periods of time no forum moderation to clean it up, and huge drama from like day

Oh, and yeah I trash talked the guy who has no actual skill at playing grepo, and he threw money at me until he won (sad state of the game). Sorry if I underestimate his mad cookie clicker skills. As for the rage quit, ask evil himself (or doubledeees, rsgamer, penderedcool), I had decided to quit because I was throwing away 16 hrs a day instead of doing anything IRL. People convinced me to stay, and nothing changed about how I was playing the game, so I made that decision again.

Credits to Richard Thrust for the Top 12 Sink or Swim. If you have any comments/suggestions, please post below! That’s all folks see ya next week!


Thanks again :)

Can I suggest interviews with the top 5 alliance leaders? It was on the Dimale paper and it was great at giving an insight into each alliances problems/community.


Whaaaaat my alliance sink?? That will be a first-timer:eek:


how about a review of up and comers? not sure what that would consist of, but i'm more interested in individual players,....alliances, not so much.