New World Delphi


Hello Players and Forum Goers,

We are proud to announce that World 28, Delphi will soon be added to our battlegrounds. We will be launching the new world on November 28th, 2011. This date may change if technical issues arise. The Forum section will open this coming weekend. The settings will be announced soon:

Delphi settings:
World speed: ?
Unit speed: ?
Alliance limit: ?
Beginner protection: ?
Morale: ?
Conquer system: ?

“Let who will boast their courage in the field, I find but little safety from my shield, Nature's, not honour's law we must obey: This made me cast my useless shield away.”


Delphi settings:
World Speed: 3
Unit speed: 3
Trade speed: 2
Alliance members: 99 (I got 99 members but a noob ain't one- Jay-zpolis)
Conquest system: Revolt
Morale: active
Beginner protection: 5 Days


Delphi is now open!

We apologize for the late settings release and wish you all success on the battlefield.