I must admit Helena it is hard to work out whether you are just joking around or purposely trying to make yourself look small. You did after all run away from your alliance, leaving the rest to fend for themselves just so you could hide under the BRB banner. Where to next when things get a liitle hard for you....
No you don't understand what it is like to be forced to lead an alliance with less than 10 active players, with only 2 top world fighters (including me) and being attacked by half of the server, which is pacted/NaP with another half.
We pacted with FEE and stopped attacking LK, but they proven to be weak and useless. We tried to merge with that outbreak of BRB (DanaZuul what ever was it) but got some elitist BS response. We approached TD but their interest was very small.
What else was there to do? Go 100% defense instead of 80% and get pushed around losing cities to BRB and taking new ones further on the rim hoping they will lose interest? At 1:5 odds defending is still fun, at 1:10 it gets very tough, at 1:20+ which BRB/RA had on us it was impossible.
As we see now WiC is alive and doing fine, just it's now another alliance like FEE/LK. When all the best players left nobody cares about them. Also this world war in the south and east distracts BRB from more NW action (hopefully this will change soon as us in NW are getting bored).
I checked some personal fighers ranks of top TD members again, none is even in top-100 except one. You guys talk too much but don't back it up with more action.