Nod's shout outs of the week!


Well lets try to start something positive for people here to work for. :D

Mrpenguin - Most of you probably are writing vulgar comments on why you're - repping me while reading this now but think. Aside from Sassy who is one once/twice a day who else takes the much needed bad guy side that we need to keep this thing alive. When you really think about it the guy comes on everyday to represent a pretty terrible team...That's commitment to his team which is note worthy. Also he's one of two people with a differing view point. The other person isn't really differing either she's just in the middle.

Sassy- Again now receiving down rep from ER players but here we go. She decided that she disagreed with ER view points and left. While I personally don't agree with how either side handled what follow she did lead her alliance to nearly rim Chilli almost effortlessly until EoD and LD showed up.

Rhaurc - Don't let that profile fool you he's not as big of a D as he makes himself out to be. (; He's a pretty good and responsible guy and willing to help out whenever he can.

Daveio- Actually brought someone new to this forum that alone is an achievement.

Forseti- If you ever ask anything to get done by this guy you can trust that it will get done.

Deboy1- Incredibly friendly and very hard working for his team can't not give him a shout out.

The list will grow more later. Just giving a little credit where credit is due. (-:


That was mighty magnanimous of you Nod. I'm impressed. You're showing all of Delos a kinder, gentler Nod that we all barely suspected might exist beneath that hard, gruff exterior. Soon all will know that LD stands for Love & Daisies ... Still small consolation as our CS appear in their harbors and slinger nukes destroy their defenders ...but they can die HAPPY in the warmth of our embrace:D


My shout out goes to my alliance for saving my behind yesterday :)



I figured people would just copy and paste in game if they cared to see ;)





Working on it right now ;)

I had been neglecting it due to never being attacked :p


glad i came first as i am the most important in that list. :D


On this day of Thanksgiving, I'd like to give thanks and a big shout out to:

The entire group in Lacking Diplomacy .. you guys and gals are great. I'm really proud of of you.

Friends and acquaintances in other alliances whom I've enjoyed chatting with both in-game and here in the external forums.

and last but not least, thank you to Phineas Freak and dBone of Maelstrom for helping to support my siege of your teammate monster9614 's city .. more than 12 hours after the CS landed. Great work guys, less than 5 hrs to go. You rock. I'll save you some leftover Turkey.

(Instead of sending it back after the conquest is complete I'm just gonna wait and see how long it takes them to figure it out ):cool:
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My personal shout out goes to my alliance mates who have worked themselves silly over the last week or so while i have been offline sick, yes we have had players leaving and have cut the waste but the group remaining deserve all my thanks for the work they have put in to keep the group going.

Also to all my friends ingame, happy thanksgiving.


Mike62 i am sure your alliance is very happy too. All ER wanted was for you to return home again and in good health. This is just a game, but the friendships you make will last forever.