Discussion Non-Village Islands


I'm on two newish maps and have noticed the islands with no villages are deserted isles suurounded by anchor points. Have they been used effectively in other, older worlds? I can see them as a waste of culture points, but IDK/newb. I can also see them as an easily defended alliance stronghold.

Does anyone use them? I can imagine uses, but what do I know?


Most players shy away from settling there, as it is hard to grow without farms (farming villages or other players)
I have taken one by accident from a noob, and it is not worth it imho.


When you get to a point in your game that farming villages just dont matter and your 8 hour farming just because its there rather than 5 minute farming because u need it then they can make useful little hubs for supporting your main cities tbh. But then i prefer to take cities than colonise so i never bother :p