not really anymore.....with sirens and anchor use it's childs play, just takes a little time. anyone can time in if they want too. but that's not skill, planning or strategy, that's just brute force. take that option away and make players use heroes, multiple types of units and strategically placed cities and that would show the advanced players from the rest and also allow more players to get involved and start enjoying the game again.
Well considering other people can also use those same things, yeah it takes planning and strategy ......
For example -not that I think you would be able to do it, but when timing on BabaNewtron or WizzieBoy on en146, if we didn't lock birs within a minute our CS was 90% chance already failed
Because both sides can be good at timing, and both sides have anchors -- it's not really a clear cut advantage to one side or the other -- and actually imo sirens gives a greater advantage to the person being timed on than the person actually timing (for CQ, revolt you can still use sirens with birs so it's still good)
I'll throw a question at you.....why did they introduce the 'anti-timer'? To stop players timing perfectly every single time and give the defender a chance. With the introduction of sirens, timing bots
Also I knew you were stupid af but you actually think timing bots are good lmaoooooooooooooo
Timing bots, as I've been told by people that have tried them, are terrible and humans are way better
Just because people are better than your sorry self at timing doesn't mean they are using bots
And as stated above, the defender has chances
And i'm still waiting to hear any constructive ideas or suggestions that you may have to improve this game that you previously described as "dead".
My suggestion to Inno would be to shut it down lol -- game sucks
Just because you suck at timing and go against people that suck at timing doesn't mean you should assume that everyone is the same.