Newspaper Occasional papers - A potatoes outlook - What was meant to be en early days paper


A potatoes outlook (Issue 1?)
World Analysis

There is something very wrong with these forums when I'm the one everyone seems to be relying on for papers. Something very very very very wrong. Thanks for @IonGrey0 and @Insanityforever for making a paper (which I hope will be a series) and holding off from the next issue to give me time to get off my *** and write this thing. A few notes. First of all these interviews are outdated. And, when I say outdated I mean like about ten days out of date. Just so people don't get thrown I'm going to be putting the date of the interview next to it. Okay? Good.

Date done: 19/1/20
1. As an alliance of Spartans are you prepared to recruit 300 players?

Answer: Nope, were not going higher than what we already have.

2. Your team is mostly made up of conquest players some of which are on servers. How much do you think this will negate your alliances performance and what measures will you take to negate this?

Answer: The learning curve is steep for a few of us, however we had good practice removing an alliance from the leaderboards early game, it's going to be a good test of our overall determination to ensure we keep our strong start up. I don't think it will hurt our resolve, we've got a good few strong revolt players who are keeping our conquest players on the right path. In my opinion as someone who has in the past played both game types as long as you have the grepo basics the rest comes naturally. We've got spirit and *toots trumpet* a strong leadership team, we might be unknown but we've got fire brother :)

3. Run down your opinions on the major alliances so far (like a mini top 12).

1.Victrix: good players, i speak to a few of them on a friendly basis, they're #1 for a reason, they are well organised with skilled players and a stellar leadership. like most alliances they have some Toxic members, but that's just grepo ain't it...

2. Errors Amended: possibly my favourite alliances in this world, all in all a great alliance! Skilled knowledgeable players with the firepower and strategy to bring the Hurt. and from my conversations with their members a great bunch of people. Definite World Contenders.

3.Spartans: I'll be Humble with this, We are giving it our ALL we came here as a small premade made a few friends on the island and worked our way up to the alliance we are today, an early victory against The elite capitalising on their poor/lack of leadership and thus absorbing a chunk of their membership. since then these guys have become brothers to us. some might say we are just another MRA but there is great camaraderie among us, we help our newer members grow in order to keep the dwindling player base alive. We believe that every single player has potential and we invest in everybody. that been said, the vast majority of us are returning veterans... We've got a tough location to compete and we're going to be around longer than some seem to give us credit for :-D

4.Bloods: I've not been the one dealing with any Diplo between ourselves and bloods so i can't really comment much however, It was actually one of their members that convinced us to jump into Kelenderis after playing with us on another world shout out MartinusV. They are a Strong group who are set to do well in this world. I came into this world not caring about the politics of past worlds huggers this, huggers that so this sort of P&P has not changed my opinion of what is undoubtedly a world contender.
I am well aware that spartans have already folded. But, I did it so I might as well post it.

Date done: 19/1/20
1. Your alliances initials (EA) are also the initials of E.A. How badly do you think this will reflect on your team?

Answer: 1. Well mate first off thanks for asking me for an interview ! And to answer that question , I don't think this will reflect badly on us at all if I must be honest. EA is a gaming company .. this for us is more then a game , this is a passion for those in Errors Amended ! If anything I doubt alot of players will make this comparison.

2. Currently EA is in quite a cramped position and facing stiff competition. What will your alliance do differently to rise above the fray?

Hmm I agree we are in a cramped position but at the same time we don't have to worry about our rear which is a blessing ! Our eastern front is secured with a friend we trust .. our main threat as is everyones main threat is Victrix, order 66 is a good supply with ample cities for us to feed off of. Bloods are out of serious striking range. So rising above competition is what we do everyday with top notch corrdinated teamwork and top notch ops ! We slide into the rank #2 spot in the world with solid play from our members and leadership from our team ..

3. Run down your opinions on all the other major alliances (like a mini-top 12).

Victrix - No comment .. we all know golders and a top notch team favored to win the world. Errors Amended - We all know I will be bias on this but I will try and limit this. Top notch corrdinated team play with fighters to back up any major push in whatever direction we wish . Leadership is of the up most caliber ! One of the funniest counciles I have every had the enjoyment of leading and being a part of. 3. Bloods - Alot say they hug hug hug I say let's just play grepolis. 4. Love and peace - Good fighters and 20 bucks .. this team spells noise and serious fighting ability.

5. Spartan Alliance - Huge fan and friend of Tyr ! I believe in his ethics in bringing back grepolis players instead of always bashing them he trains and up lifts! Solid team good teamwork once some deadweight is shed I believe this group will earn more respect.

6. Potato Collective - Love these guys played with them before ! Are a very serious force to be reckoned with .. they are sleeping Giants. I feel for whoever pisses them off and is forced into a war with this group

Interview done: 19/1/20
1. What kind of blood do you write in? And do you ever draw any blood?


Good question this is a war game so blood would be shed and could be written and drawn in so many ways.

2. Considering that bloods lost to Victrix in istros and also lost on amphipolis what will bloods do differently for a more successful server this time around?


Each world you have to go into with determination to be the winner and at the end be competitive. We come into this world with the same views on loyalty to one another and a better plan to be even more competitive. We respect the leadership and membership of the Victrix alliances and we have to bring something new to beat them. It will be a big challenge because so far no one has beat them. There are so many good alliances here that even second for us is not assured at all but we will give it our very best.

3. Rundown your thoughts of the other major alliances (like a mini top 12).


1.) VICTRIX ABP 375863/ DBP 40577

Mainly 54 but trickling into 55

What can I say our old adversaries.

We have alot of respect for this alliance , we normally end up battling for wonders, I know scuds we have been friends for a long time and he leads well.
they have a great bunch of players and you cant take them lightly regardless of those that dont like them they have earned there status.

2.) Errors Amended ABP 191051/DBP 27897

Mainly in 55

We have fought a few of these players in our other world.
Another good group of players, they maybe small but so was David against Goliath.
Its all about team play not size.
I know some of the leadership and they will challenge

3.)Spartan Alliance ABP 155059/ DBP 34489

Mainly 44

A new group to me , I dont know alot about them but they seem to be confident and have held there own so far.

4.) Written In Blood ABP 183245/ DBP 27793

mainly 45

I am obviously going to be biased but honest.

A good bunch of players, work hard, have sustainability and will aim to do what they do best and thats stay strong together and have fun along the way

5.)Peace and Love ABP 132277/ DBP 16164

Mainly 45

They have a good leadership
looks like they have taken in a few players from disbanded alliances and are growing quickly.

6.)The Potato Collective ABP 165775/ DBP 18133

Another new alliance to me , I do know a few players there that have been in bloods
they look to be growing and holding there own


Same as 4

Sorry I dont know much about the other alliances



1. Victrix has started this server around the same time as many other teams. Yet it is already almost twice the size of its next largest competitors. Do you think extensive golding like this makes the game less fun and makes winning less rewarding?

Answer: Firstly it depends on your definition of "massive golding". There are some players in Victrix who can barely afford advisors - to them spending even 100 gold is a luxury. I do not think it makes winning less rewarding - running a team like Victrix that is successful from server to server takes a lot of work from the whole team including defence and leadership. You can't have a team of stars without a star team.

2. Run down your opinions on all the other major alliances (like a mini top 12).


Spoiler Hide
Errors Amended
Planted their carrots in the perma-frost, way far to the south. Makes the carrots extra tasty cos they take longer to ripen before we hunt them. Looks like they are bringing some markets further north so we get an early taste.

Written In Blood
Always a plentiful source of carrots, especially the perennial RED ones. We always seem to leave their carrots till last.

Spartan Alliance
Rumour is they have had a bumper crop of carrots but have hidden them well. It could be a challenge for us to find them all. Hearing rumours that some of their carrots are spoiling, though.

Peace and Love

I heard their carrots grow in the shape of love hearts.

The Potato Collective

Surely where there are potatoes growing, there will also be carrots? I hope that by the time we get there the carrots won't be all gone though, along with the potatoes.


They transplanted their carrots, so we will need to wait a while for them to grow to make the trek to the wild west to hunt for the carrots worth our while.

The Vanguard

No doubt busy hiding their carrots as we speak before their errors are amended.

Lost most of their carrots already. Major Rabbit Attraction.

3. What is your opinion (And Victrix's opinion) on the use of spies in other alliances?

Answer: Totally against the use of spies. We have already turned in a player that offered to spy for us to his founder.

That’s my response :)

I also contacted P & L but they did not respond to my questions :(

World Analysis

Right now this world has three major powers and two alliances worth watching. Let me explain what I mean.

A major power is a team that can pose an immediate threat and has a major influence on world politics. The current major powers are vics, Bloods and EA. I will break down each one by one.

Vics: What can I say? They are easily the strongest team on this server and having absorbed some spineless but strong players from 44 they are looking very powerful. Almost unstoppable already. The fact that they won the second event award and are in a very safe 1st for the current event its safe to say that they are also worth the most in gold. This is further proven by the fact that they destroyed it in growing early from BP easily topping the leaderboard at the start of the server. This team is easily the strongest right now.

Nest up there's EA. This team is second in the rankings and also had the second most gold to spare (shown from the event). Having recruited a lot of P & L players EA is now in a position inbetween TPC, Bloods and Vics. This could get messy for them fast. Especially if they don't play diplo smart. A strong team to be sure but in the long term they might fade away due to the fact that they are squashed between multiple teams. Furthermore, unlike bloods, TPC and Vics they do not have an entire ocean to back onto for our of reach wonder islands. This will play against them in the long run.

FInally there's bloods. Bloods are in a very solid position with good food behind them and strong opportunities for BP in front of them. This will work wonders. They can advance back for out of reach wonders and they are far enough away from vics that the likely 40% offence buff won't really effect bloods. Smart planning on there part (waiting until vics drop). The question for them will be if they can fight off vics when the time comes.

Next up I will discuss two more alliances of note.

Firstly The potato collective. I want to get this out of the way because I hate doing my own teams. But TPC only has a few external threats and with a fairly solid defence track record they are in a solid position. The main concern for them is the fact that vics are right on there doorstep. That is not a position anyone wants to be in.

The final team I would like to discuss is Virtus. Now please correct me if I am wrong but they are a similar team to nocs from 108 from what I've heard. In that server they got three wonders (If I remember correctly). This makes them worthy of note in my opinion. That combined with there out of reach position puts them in a position to be a late game thorn in vics side. But, by the late game they may not be able to make much of a difference.


As always feel free to skip out on memes if thats not your thing :)

A lot are outdated for obvious reasons.


And thats all for me. When you've found something I said that is wrong (because I'm 90% sure I have!) then please be polite about it. Sorry this paper took forever to get out (I really mean it). I hope you enjoyed reading and have a great day :)